I work in an adult store and Tez came with me to work tonight and stayed for the whole 7 hour shift, it was alot of fun having her around, she occupied herself by reorganizing shelves of stock and costumes and decided to change the outfit on one of the mannequins..this was one of the funniest things i have ever witnessed : the way she was talkin to the mannequin was amusing enough but then she got her head stuck between its legs and i nearly died laughing..it was too great! she also seemed to enjoy looking at the bizarre porn collection and even purchased a couple of funny cartoon porn mags....AND she also got herself a blowup doll that is dressed in a police uniform, she only wanted it for the inflatable police hat that came with it so she is gifting the rest of the doll to cawlin ( Lockeblade )
Best night i have had at work in a long time
love u tez
Best night i have had at work in a long time
love u tez

jeez youre gonna have a gorgeous baby!
I will bring some back taped to my large intestine