Wow... Hard to believe I am over on the other side of the world right now.
It is soo beautiful here. We are surrounded by the mountains and there is
sooo much dust where we are at.
vaginais4lovers and I are having a blast here. We went on a EOD blow...
blew something up the other day. We also have a helicopter ride due to us.
We got the hook-ups! haha
I went to the bazaar they have on base friday and found an awesome leather
coat that I haggled for. I think i got a pretty sweet deal on it. 50
bucks... its knee length... People here rock and well I think the next 4
months will be fun.
Hope everyone is good and I miss all of you
It is kinda funny here on base the poppy plants are everywhere literally. I
never knew what they looked like until the other day. and from what I
hear... fields of mariauna plants just a little ways away.. I have some
pictures of them... i will have to post when i get the chance.
I will write more later
email me your comments and I will respond.. I can't read them on the site
from this computer:-P
It is soo beautiful here. We are surrounded by the mountains and there is
sooo much dust where we are at.
vaginais4lovers and I are having a blast here. We went on a EOD blow...
blew something up the other day. We also have a helicopter ride due to us.
We got the hook-ups! haha
I went to the bazaar they have on base friday and found an awesome leather
coat that I haggled for. I think i got a pretty sweet deal on it. 50
bucks... its knee length... People here rock and well I think the next 4
months will be fun.
Hope everyone is good and I miss all of you

It is kinda funny here on base the poppy plants are everywhere literally. I
never knew what they looked like until the other day. and from what I
hear... fields of mariauna plants just a little ways away.. I have some
pictures of them... i will have to post when i get the chance.

I will write more later

email me your comments and I will respond.. I can't read them on the site
from this computer:-P
Glad ur ok.