why is is that lately when I sneeze, I have this sick to my stomach-oh-I'm gonna-puke feeling???? Anybody else get this????
Some friends are coming from G.P for a visit tomorrow for the weekend. I am excited, I haven't seen my friends for awhile. That is the nice thing about moving somewhere nice...people WANT to come to visit...when I lived in G.P...nobody ever wanted to come there....wait a minute...are you using me for my sunshine???????
I am going to take some pictures of my friend, I told her to bring some clothes that she feels sexy in...and we will get er done...fun stuff!!!!
I don't think she will let me post any....we will see!
My house is cleaned...so All day I can work on my site without interuption!
I got all my pictures on my computer organized, and backed-up....FINALLY, it was long overdue...we had like 8000 pics on there....it would have sucked to have lost them...
So many ideas, so little $$$$, and time.........
Have a great day....maybe INOCENCIA will be up today......just maybe.......*patiently waiting*


Some friends are coming from G.P for a visit tomorrow for the weekend. I am excited, I haven't seen my friends for awhile. That is the nice thing about moving somewhere nice...people WANT to come to visit...when I lived in G.P...nobody ever wanted to come there....wait a minute...are you using me for my sunshine???????

I am going to take some pictures of my friend, I told her to bring some clothes that she feels sexy in...and we will get er done...fun stuff!!!!
I don't think she will let me post any....we will see!
My house is cleaned...so All day I can work on my site without interuption!
I got all my pictures on my computer organized, and backed-up....FINALLY, it was long overdue...we had like 8000 pics on there....it would have sucked to have lost them...
So many ideas, so little $$$$, and time.........

Have a great day....maybe INOCENCIA will be up today......just maybe.......*patiently waiting*

i made the mistake of waiting to backup my photos and when my computer crashed i lost em all. not nearly as many as you have, but enough that i was sad!
maybe she can get a few pics of you too!