Well...looks like I have been tagged!
Thanks Mavis!
Ok here goes
1. I am not a big fan of cats. I find they are pretty sketchy individuals in general, and I think they are demons!(except Lilyk's kitty...that one is obviously pure sweetness!
2. I am addicted to chocolate. My all time favorite being Whoppers
3. I love to work out, I love the way I feel and look when I am in the gym everyday
4. I don't finish alot of things that I start! I HATE this about myself, and really am trying to change this!
4. I find that when I am around my family I take them for granted...but when I live far away I miss them like crazy.
5. I currently don't have a job, and I feel badly about this, even though nobody expects me to get one.
6. I suffer from depression, but I really like to combat this naturally.
7. I don't trust doctors...mostly.
8. I think the government is Bullshit!
9. Lately, I get worked up/upset very easily...and I don't know why...see above reasons.
10. I am naked on the internet.
11. I am engaged for the first time in my life.
12. I look in the miror every morning and see new wrinkles appearing in my skin...it makes me SOOO sad!
13. I used to use alot of chemical drugs...Ecstacy, coke mostly. As much as I had alot of fun at this time in my life...it definitly did ALOT more damage than I knew at the time!
14. I have had a few lesbian experiences...I used to attract women like crazy!!! I ddon't know why exactly...but I took advantage of this a little. I decided from this experience that as much as I find some women beautiful, soft....I am not lesbian, or even bisexual. I would never take back that experience.
15. I was born in Fort St John, British Columbia, Canada. I did not grow up there!
16. I have 2 sisters. 1 older, and 1 younger. they are both married with children.
17. I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost everyday.
18. I want a great dane SOOOO bad...I would name him Zeus...I think.
19. I love to be outside...I feel very grounded and in touch.
20. I love to be hugged, and to give hugs!
Ok...thats it, ok...I tag Inocencia, and babygirl
Thanks Mavis!

Ok here goes
1. I am not a big fan of cats. I find they are pretty sketchy individuals in general, and I think they are demons!(except Lilyk's kitty...that one is obviously pure sweetness!

2. I am addicted to chocolate. My all time favorite being Whoppers
3. I love to work out, I love the way I feel and look when I am in the gym everyday
4. I don't finish alot of things that I start! I HATE this about myself, and really am trying to change this!
4. I find that when I am around my family I take them for granted...but when I live far away I miss them like crazy.
5. I currently don't have a job, and I feel badly about this, even though nobody expects me to get one.
6. I suffer from depression, but I really like to combat this naturally.
7. I don't trust doctors...mostly.
8. I think the government is Bullshit!
9. Lately, I get worked up/upset very easily...and I don't know why...see above reasons.
10. I am naked on the internet.
11. I am engaged for the first time in my life.
12. I look in the miror every morning and see new wrinkles appearing in my skin...it makes me SOOO sad!
13. I used to use alot of chemical drugs...Ecstacy, coke mostly. As much as I had alot of fun at this time in my life...it definitly did ALOT more damage than I knew at the time!
14. I have had a few lesbian experiences...I used to attract women like crazy!!! I ddon't know why exactly...but I took advantage of this a little. I decided from this experience that as much as I find some women beautiful, soft....I am not lesbian, or even bisexual. I would never take back that experience.
15. I was born in Fort St John, British Columbia, Canada. I did not grow up there!
16. I have 2 sisters. 1 older, and 1 younger. they are both married with children.
17. I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost everyday.
18. I want a great dane SOOOO bad...I would name him Zeus...I think.
19. I love to be outside...I feel very grounded and in touch.
20. I love to be hugged, and to give hugs!
Ok...thats it, ok...I tag Inocencia, and babygirl
i used to have lots of lesbian experiences, too, but i'm not gay either. some people have a really hard time understanding that.