Well, first day of the tattoo expo is over, and it rocked. Bought some cute stuff, saw some awesome work, had hung out with a bunch of friends.
Afterwords, we went to a Karoke bar where we had a blast and got people to sing and touch themselves for money. hehe. What a few drinks make possible.
I think the highlight was when another suicide member went up and sang "touch myself". Let me just say, I'll never listen to that song without cracking up again.
Another highlight: Man with few teeth, although in his late 20's started singing "let's get it on". Needless to say us girls felt compelled to molest him while he was on stage. I don't think that boy will EVER be the same.
So, all in all, the night rocked. And tonight is usually the BEST night at the convention! Can't wait to see what it will hold!
Tomarrow I'm in the large color competition at 3. Wish me well!!
So, if you see me up at the convention, feel free to buy me a drink, I need it after the week I"ve had at work! I found out yesterday that my salon owner has been so mean to me because she's trying to get me to quit. WHy? Because as SHE put it... Although I'm a GREAT stylist, she doesn't like the way that I look, dress, and that I'm a bad influence on some of the other stylists there. ( A girl got her tongue pierced while at the tattoo shop with me).
Un-fucking-believable. I just have to hang in there 3 more months until my salon is open. Ugh...
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my hate!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my rage!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my pain!
Muthafucka u don't understand...
You seem to sever all my frequencies
I'm tethered to your energies
And everything turns inside out
I can't be killed but I'm not too proud
Maybe you would like to peek through the curtain
At the same mistake you know you always make
But...all I really want to know is
Are you gonna lay the fuck back down
Or jump da fuck up?
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up
Back da fuck up
All this is making things a bit insane
And I don't care who stares or stays
The only thing that matters is
Will you reach out if you can't resist?
Maybe you don't give a shit for the rest of us
But if you do, the time is now, if it ever was
If you're gonna fight, whatcha gonna do?
Jump da fuck up!
How dare you single out my honesty
Compare me to your travesties
I only want to see you fight
The darkness you wanna live your life by
And if you're gonna quit
I don't give a shit
What the fuck, I'm a Mack truck
Are you gonna give up like a bitch
Or jump da fuck up?
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up
I'm a self-destructive piece of shit
Smear me in
I don't owe you a goddamn thing
This life has never had the swing
I don't wanna be immortal or legend or anything
Cuz the longer I'm alive, the better off you'll be
Get ready for epitome, come on and pity me...
Will you kill me if I say please?
I'm the same old reasons not to try
What the hell
Beat to death with a shovel and a new smell
Come and get me, mom would never let me do it
I'm ruined, I don't want anything from you
Cuz I've got nothing left to prove, c'mon
My time, everything feels fine, goodbye
Killing from the inside
Afterwords, we went to a Karoke bar where we had a blast and got people to sing and touch themselves for money. hehe. What a few drinks make possible.

Another highlight: Man with few teeth, although in his late 20's started singing "let's get it on". Needless to say us girls felt compelled to molest him while he was on stage. I don't think that boy will EVER be the same.

So, all in all, the night rocked. And tonight is usually the BEST night at the convention! Can't wait to see what it will hold!
Tomarrow I'm in the large color competition at 3. Wish me well!!

So, if you see me up at the convention, feel free to buy me a drink, I need it after the week I"ve had at work! I found out yesterday that my salon owner has been so mean to me because she's trying to get me to quit. WHy? Because as SHE put it... Although I'm a GREAT stylist, she doesn't like the way that I look, dress, and that I'm a bad influence on some of the other stylists there. ( A girl got her tongue pierced while at the tattoo shop with me).
Un-fucking-believable. I just have to hang in there 3 more months until my salon is open. Ugh...
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my hate!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my rage!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my pain!
Muthafucka u don't understand...
You seem to sever all my frequencies
I'm tethered to your energies
And everything turns inside out
I can't be killed but I'm not too proud
Maybe you would like to peek through the curtain
At the same mistake you know you always make
But...all I really want to know is
Are you gonna lay the fuck back down
Or jump da fuck up?
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up
Back da fuck up
All this is making things a bit insane
And I don't care who stares or stays
The only thing that matters is
Will you reach out if you can't resist?
Maybe you don't give a shit for the rest of us
But if you do, the time is now, if it ever was
If you're gonna fight, whatcha gonna do?
Jump da fuck up!
How dare you single out my honesty
Compare me to your travesties
I only want to see you fight
The darkness you wanna live your life by
And if you're gonna quit
I don't give a shit
What the fuck, I'm a Mack truck
Are you gonna give up like a bitch
Or jump da fuck up?
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up
I'm a self-destructive piece of shit
Smear me in
I don't owe you a goddamn thing
This life has never had the swing
I don't wanna be immortal or legend or anything
Cuz the longer I'm alive, the better off you'll be
Get ready for epitome, come on and pity me...
Will you kill me if I say please?
I'm the same old reasons not to try
What the hell
Beat to death with a shovel and a new smell
Come and get me, mom would never let me do it
I'm ruined, I don't want anything from you
Cuz I've got nothing left to prove, c'mon
My time, everything feels fine, goodbye
Killing from the inside
Wow... Saturday was fun... UPDATE!

I so wanted to go to the convention....glad to see you had a great time...Maybe next time....