My cat is mad at me. Back story:
When I moved into my apartment with my boyfriend and roommate, her cat had ear mites and she neglected to inform me. Some time over the past month or so, my cat contracted the lovely beasts (even though they hardly spend time in the same room).
I bought ear mite drops for her today and spent the good part of an hour trying to wrap her up in a blanket like a burrito and keeping here there while simultaneously holding her head still and administering the drops. Not an easy task. She was so mad at me she hit behind my wall of unpacked boxes, well out of reach. Now she'll only come as close as sitting in the chair four feet away from me. I'm going to have an angry pussy for a week. How sad.
It's been a while since I've used hair dye from a box, by this I mean, bought in a drug/department store with everything included kind of box hair dye. Tonight I was quite surprised. I opened the box that had been sitting under my bathroom sink for almost a month and was confused. I did not find the usual bottle of developer, bottle of activator, packet of cheap and disappointing conditioner, cellophane gloves heat-sealed to the directions and twist on top. Instead I found a quite large bottle of what appeared to be activator, a strange pink pump looking thing, small bottle of developer, TWO packets of conditioner (neither disappointing) folded directions and a little vacuum sealed bag that had a real pair of gloves in it.
I was so excited. I yelled from the bathroom, "I'm going to orgasm from hair dye!" to my (I'm sure) horrified boyfriend in the living room. I put my real gloves on, poured the developer into the activator, screwed on the pump-looking thing and was aww-struck again by something new: completely liquid hair dye. There was no mixing involved. No vigorous shaking to mix the "liquid creme" with the already liquid. I gave it a quick stir and figured out how to use the "pump". A squeeze of the pliable plastic bottle and wonderful foam hair dye came out in the palm of my hand.
I yelled to my boyfriend again. "You need to come see this!"
"What now?"
"Foam hair dye!"
He was intrigued, but not as much as me, unfortunately.
"It smells like some kind of tea."
"You think so?"
"Yeah ... It has this odd sweet smell. It's not like perfume, and it's not fruity. It reminds me of tea."
"It doesn't make me think of tea."
Right after this, I flipped my head over to get the back of my head and almost passed out from coughing. The smell was so intense, I had to walk a few feet down the hall to get clean air in my lungs. It was terrible. What happened to the normal chemical hair dye smell myself and every hair dresser I know is accustomed to? I do not like the new "tea" smell hair dye companies are using. And then it hit me. I knew what the scent was.
The next time you are in a department store, find the candle aisle. Next, you need to find a chocolate scented candle. Take the cover off and take a whiff. THAT'S what my hair dye smells like. I'm not sure of your particular favorite smell, this smell may be one of them, but I find the smell of artificial chocolate to be DISGUSTING. And now that I've thought about it a little more, I can pinpoint exactly where I've smelled this smell before.
One of my friends has hoity toity parents who shop at expensive stores. My friends hoity toity mom bought quite an expensive candle (not of the Yankee brand) that was supposed to smell like fudge brownies. My hair dye was the exact same scent as that candle. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. Thankfully, the smell is fading (or I'm getting used to it, gross) and I don't ever have to smell that candle again.
Here's a picture of the bottle with the weird pink pump thing.
It delights as much as it disgusts me.
And now that my hair is two shades darker than I wanted it to be, I'm going to go to sleep.
This little guy always warms my heart and makes me smile though:

When I moved into my apartment with my boyfriend and roommate, her cat had ear mites and she neglected to inform me. Some time over the past month or so, my cat contracted the lovely beasts (even though they hardly spend time in the same room).
I bought ear mite drops for her today and spent the good part of an hour trying to wrap her up in a blanket like a burrito and keeping here there while simultaneously holding her head still and administering the drops. Not an easy task. She was so mad at me she hit behind my wall of unpacked boxes, well out of reach. Now she'll only come as close as sitting in the chair four feet away from me. I'm going to have an angry pussy for a week. How sad.
It's been a while since I've used hair dye from a box, by this I mean, bought in a drug/department store with everything included kind of box hair dye. Tonight I was quite surprised. I opened the box that had been sitting under my bathroom sink for almost a month and was confused. I did not find the usual bottle of developer, bottle of activator, packet of cheap and disappointing conditioner, cellophane gloves heat-sealed to the directions and twist on top. Instead I found a quite large bottle of what appeared to be activator, a strange pink pump looking thing, small bottle of developer, TWO packets of conditioner (neither disappointing) folded directions and a little vacuum sealed bag that had a real pair of gloves in it.
I was so excited. I yelled from the bathroom, "I'm going to orgasm from hair dye!" to my (I'm sure) horrified boyfriend in the living room. I put my real gloves on, poured the developer into the activator, screwed on the pump-looking thing and was aww-struck again by something new: completely liquid hair dye. There was no mixing involved. No vigorous shaking to mix the "liquid creme" with the already liquid. I gave it a quick stir and figured out how to use the "pump". A squeeze of the pliable plastic bottle and wonderful foam hair dye came out in the palm of my hand.

I yelled to my boyfriend again. "You need to come see this!"
"What now?"
"Foam hair dye!"
He was intrigued, but not as much as me, unfortunately.
"It smells like some kind of tea."
"You think so?"
"Yeah ... It has this odd sweet smell. It's not like perfume, and it's not fruity. It reminds me of tea."
"It doesn't make me think of tea."
Right after this, I flipped my head over to get the back of my head and almost passed out from coughing. The smell was so intense, I had to walk a few feet down the hall to get clean air in my lungs. It was terrible. What happened to the normal chemical hair dye smell myself and every hair dresser I know is accustomed to? I do not like the new "tea" smell hair dye companies are using. And then it hit me. I knew what the scent was.
The next time you are in a department store, find the candle aisle. Next, you need to find a chocolate scented candle. Take the cover off and take a whiff. THAT'S what my hair dye smells like. I'm not sure of your particular favorite smell, this smell may be one of them, but I find the smell of artificial chocolate to be DISGUSTING. And now that I've thought about it a little more, I can pinpoint exactly where I've smelled this smell before.
One of my friends has hoity toity parents who shop at expensive stores. My friends hoity toity mom bought quite an expensive candle (not of the Yankee brand) that was supposed to smell like fudge brownies. My hair dye was the exact same scent as that candle. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. Thankfully, the smell is fading (or I'm getting used to it, gross) and I don't ever have to smell that candle again.
Here's a picture of the bottle with the weird pink pump thing.

It delights as much as it disgusts me.
And now that my hair is two shades darker than I wanted it to be, I'm going to go to sleep.
This little guy always warms my heart and makes me smile though:

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thank you!