I just came back from a weekend in Cape Cod with my best friend and her family. That was odd, let me tell you. Either way, I had an awesome time, aside from the nasty rumors I heard from my mom when I called to tell her I was home. Let me just say, people are assholes.
I'll have some pictures of the trip sometime next week, when I get around to developing them.
I'll have some pictures of the trip sometime next week, when I get around to developing them.
Or at least the vast majority.
Glad you had a good time.
The End
I just reffer to myself as Jack Skellington and minsSally simply means I am single and have yet to find the love of my life ( though you knew that already )
Thats why you need to surround yourself with people who do not suck at life ^_^
Spend far more time out of Rochester then I do in it.
I've never really had a problem with it though.
The Rent-a-Gangsters stay away from me
and thats pretty much all there is here.
lol or the dirty ICP fans
both groups dont bother me. They know to leave me alone lol
The End