Okay, so maybe I went a little overboard with the thing about Brian. To my knowledge, he never taped us having sex, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of it happening. I mean, seriously, he had PLENTY of chaces to tape us if he wanted. Then again, he doesn't have a camera and I doubt any of his friends would lend them theirs.

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Lord I hate Candy Corn. Blech!

Now and Laters on the other hand, yesssss. Man, I haven't had those in like 10 years. Heh.
I day-dream too much.
I think too much.
I say too much.
I consider open ended possibilities too much.
I think about things other people say too much.

I need to calm down.

And I'm telling HIM to calm down.

I want a giant canvas, 6 feet by 6 feet, and I want endless amounts of paint, a subject or thought to start from, and...
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I am also looking for an outlet for my thoughts.
Best of luck with the canvas

I was semi-confused about the tape thing...
Do you think that you where filmed without your knowledge? Do you think that if you where that it would be shown to others?

awww sorry to hear about the chain smoking ^_^

The End
Sagittarius: You have been chosen by God to smoke as much as you want and never get cancer. (i fucking love it.)

Lately, I feel like I just want to give up on everything.

everything i stand for
everything i think
everything i love
everything i hate
everything i have ever done
everything i will do
every mistake i've made
every resolution i will follow through with
i want to scream
i want to destroy
i want to fight
i want to love...
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I know how you feel but at the same time I can't explain it myself. I hope things pick up for you. Take care. kiss
I've gone into another funk and I don't like it.

There are a few exciting things happening with my new van (gift from the evil step-father) and I should be really excited, but I'm not.

Something happened between last night and earlier today that made me go into this place where I don't enjoy anything. When I laugh or smile, it feels forced. There were...
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Funk shmunk. I am in a bit of a funk myself these days. Down witht he funk! mad

::hugs:: kiss
Sagittarius: Always keep in mind that the best way to become friends with someone is to sleep with them.

My horoscope always has something nice to say about me.

The German language, when spoken, sounds like you are insulting or being insulted. The same applies to Russian.

Once the clothes of the students start matching the clothes of the teachers, it's time for suicide. I just hope she believes in something on the otherside.

I'm sitting in an empty classroom and the buzz of the heater fills my head. My reflection looks back at from a blank tv screen. I can hear the hum coming from the tv, but it hasn't been turned on yet. All the desks around me are empty, but it feels like they are full, like I'm surrounded.
Today was an odd day. It rained all day, and I made the mistake of wearing jeans that dragged on the ground around my feet and Converse that are slightly past their expiration date. The result? Extremely wet feet (half way up to my knees) after walking for a block. I was angry. And then I stood on really wet ground under a tree that...
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If I didn't know what the sex was already like, I definitely would have kidnapped him and taken him to the ladies bathroom

Haha that made me laugh.........a lot

...I hope you don't take this the wrong way as it is not my intent.
You have every right to feel the way you do and I would never try and change that.
I can tell you from first hand experience how I have been harrassed by local cops and law enforcement.
But even after the hunderds of dollars of made up fines, the time spent in jail for the night and going to court needlessly because a cop didnt like me.
In no way do I feel its right to take his life, and ruin the life of his kids.
Not saying I know the whole story but if harrasing underage kids about smoking is cause for death then I'm fucked

The End

Me to it was funny

I had such an amazing time with all of the girls.
There so nice and reagan is amazing and uber-cute.

I so glad I went and got to hang out with her before/after the show

The End
Sometimes, I don't know what to do. Things with Mike have come to a screeching hault. He's barely talking to me and when I do talk to him, it seems like I'm bothering him. Today I was playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire on his cell phone to waste time and he was resting his head on my shoulder. *sigh* Men are so difficult....
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Yeah guys suck.

I will have to get that song.
I can't wait tell this weekend when I see Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D

The End