I downloaded the Peeping Tom cd that Nate plays in his truck all the time. It's amazing. Nate can only play the cd when I'm in the truck because no one else likes the cd. I find it funny. Anyone who has access to iTunes or some other music downloading program should download their songs "Sucker" and "Celebrity Death Match". I'm listening to Celebrity Death...
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I think I'm dating my twin personality.

He's like me in a lot of ways and in a lot of other ways, he's what I want to be.

It's very refreshing to meet someone new. I didn't want a relationship because I knew I would have been dating someone I've known for a while, someone that was there for my past bad times and past...
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Christmas night I got into a small car addicent. Aaron and I had gotten Chinese food and we were on our way home when I took a turn and slammed into another car. There wasn't much damage to either car, but I can't drive mine. I cracked the radiator. Merry Christma to me! Aaron said I was the calmest he's ever seen me. He hit...
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From Me. Drivivg Sucked even with my Truck, Sorry!
I've decided my Grams is the queen of guilt trips. You would swear she's Jewish. She is Polish, so I think that's close enough. I fear the day I move out and get a phone call from her on Christmas day. "Sara, why haven't you come over to see me yet? I have a gift for you ... You don't have to give me anything,...
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Yesterday, to sum it up, was amazing. The only sad part is that if my best friend discovers the details of that night, she will either A) disown me, B) rip my throat out or C) never speak to me again.

See, I was hanging out with Nate for most of last night and Jess happens to have met Nate a few years ago and...
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Painting your bedroom is stressful. I had to move furnature (some large pieces of furnature) and climb on a ladder to paint my bedroom by myself. Not that I'm complaining though. Now my bedroom is red with black trim. It makes me think of a womb.

The cold is getting to me. I'm sick of being cold all the time and having to wear heavy...
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I can now add muralist to my long art resume.

I spent the cold and chilly ours of 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at a Dunkin Donuts in Manchester painting the front windows with a Christmas scene with my sculpture teacher and about five of this other students. It was cold, freezing even, and the wind didn't help at all. The perks? Free coffee, free...
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Candia/ Litchfield Where are we?
Driving down a dark road in the city;
cars pass you in the opposite direction;
cars follow you and you follow cars;
the windows down, cold air stings your face;
hot air warms your hands and legs;
his head rests on your leg;
your hand held tightly in his;
one hand on the steering wheel;
and feeling completely free.

There just isn't a way to...
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I need a backrub.

And a stiff drink. New Years Eve can't come fast enough.

This commercial makes me laugh so hard.

I remember a Christmas morning when I was a kid, I freaked out just like this and my entire family stared at me like I was insane. I'm still surprised counselling didn't come after that.

I can picture teenagers freaking out like this...
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Happy Turkey Day!

I can't tell you how many times I've filled my room with cigarette smoke and the smoke alarm never went off. This morning, while my mom was cooking the turkey and I was helping with the rest of the dinner, my room filled with the heat from the kitchen and it set the alarm off. Someone please tell me how this works?...
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Weekends spent with friends are pretty awesome, yes they are.

Mike and I spent most of the weekend lying in his bed playing video games. It was fun.

Sometimes, I just don't understand the relationship I have with Mike. I'm comfortable enough to have sex with him, but not comfortable enough to dress and undress in front of him.

I wish I understood him better....
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Glad you had a good weekend despite some of the issues you mentioned.
I hope things work out for the two of you.

I have been in this rain all day.
Went paintballing at 8:30am until 4:00pm
( we where outside in the woods no rain coats or anything )

The End
Boys are stupid. wink

Dear Sun,

I know we don't have the best relationship, I don't go out in you much. But I promise to be good if you come back to NH. Please? It is very cold and wet here since you've been gone.
Why can't days be all good instead of just partially? That's my question for today. I asked Mike, but he wasn't any help. It was just "yeah, i'd like that too." *sigh* Bless them, the men of few words.

I bought a stress reliever today. It's one of those huge squishy balls that have those feeler type things on them. I can punch it, throw...
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