It seems as if lately all I do is bitch about this and that and everything. I'm so tired of feeling angry.
Today my suv decides to take a shit on me.. well not just today it's been acting up already but today it needed immediate attention. And you know it's not that what bothers me, really. What gets me is that my future x husband is a flipping mechanic and all this time his had me running on a piece of crap vehicle. I am so glad that u won't have to even mention to him that my car needs an oil change, tune up or whatever else..... ughh
so anyway, it's time to save up money for a new ride.
Took my boys for ice cream and to watch Jurassic World and that was the highlight of our day. We loved it!
and we had to spend money on my suv but at least it's working for now, a full paycheck later....
Tomorrow will be a better day...