July 27, 2009 (beware this is a long long blog)
I feel the need to talk about what happened on that day.
During the summer of '09 my oldest son (Matthew) was going to go over to his father's apartment for the full month of July. Matt had turned 3yrs old that June and his father,Edward, requested to have his summer days as stated on the visitation orders. Although I really didn't want my son to leave my side I had to let him go.
him and i didnt get well along, we separated shortly after moving in together following the birth of Matthew. Matt wasn't planned but he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. so anyway we had court visitations and up to that summer he had only gotten matthew the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend of each month. during those weekends matthew rarely stayed overnight.
Since the time had passed after our separation, i was happily living with my boyfriend jake ( my husband now), and Edward had a new chick, Stephanie, whom had a child not of Edwards and a child of his.
Well, that summer I had this gut feeling of (dont take him) intuition. I talked with a lawyer who adviced me that it be on Matthews best interest for us to follow the orders as they were if Matthew was not in any type of harm. So on July !st Stephanie picked my son up from my home and took him to their apartment. I called him every other night and cried for him allot. ( i was pregnant of my husbands baby , so very emotional)
On July 27, only less than a week before the month was over, his father calls me and tells me that my son had blisters on his feet. I told him to take him to the doctor the next day as what he described made me imagine a blister one gets from wearing new shoes. he told me then that while he was at work Steph had let Matt walk outside on hot pavement and that the blisters were from that but that they were little and on the heels. I told him again to take him to the doctor the next day.
So he did, and around midday the next day he calls me and tells me that he was on the way to the hospital because the doctor had told him to take my son there. I was very alarmed at this point. I rushed to the hospital only to find my son about ten pounds lighter and his feet swollen with bubbly blisters covering them from the toes to the ankles. to my already surprise, i was told that the same blisters were also in his genitals and buttocks area. I immediately knew that Steph had lied and that something much worse had happened to my baby.
That night Edward left the hospital and I stayed there with Jake, they ended up flying us to the Lubbock Burn Center. Before we left the hospital staff helped me get in touch with cps and law enforcement and they started a long investigation.
My son took almost 6 months for full recovery. Luckily no skin graffs were needed but he was unable to walk for about 3 months and the whole hospital experience was a traumatic one. His speech before the accident was good for his age but then after everything he completely shut off on us and speech became a major issue. he is doing very well now.
As for Steph, part of my recent stress was that last month we finally had trial for her charges. She was being accused of intentionally/knowingly causing bodily harm to a child under 15yrs old, that was a 1st degree felony. amoungst the charges, were 6 others which basically meant the same guilt with lesser of a charge.
On September 30th, she was found guilty of a 2nd degree felony for recklessly causing injury to my son. this was mainly because of multiple lies she had said for the last two years and because she knew the bath tub was hot when he got in it.
I still think it in my heart that she purposely dunked him in and wish her punishment had been higher, but i'm content that this is all settled and she will serve some time for what happened. no, im not the kind of person that wishes harm on others but this lady made me feel an anger i had never in my life thought of feeling. The jury only gave her two years in prison but i hope she reflects on the physical, and mental harm she did to my baby.
Maybe I am being spiteful I don't know, but I had to write about this and finally let it go.
I wont lie that after it came to a closing I have felt so much better.
anyway, remember i wrote that my husband finally let me have a kitten?
well meet Toby

not a week passed by when my husband decided to bring him a friend, Midnight.

We all like them both very much, it took them a few days to get used to each other but now they are always together.
Matthew is doing so much better lately too, I think he has noticed my stress level decreasing. He is getting counseling and progressing in school.

He helped me last night with these for his class tomorrow
Happy Halloween!

Have a nice weekend readers
next blog wont be as long i promise.

I feel the need to talk about what happened on that day.
During the summer of '09 my oldest son (Matthew) was going to go over to his father's apartment for the full month of July. Matt had turned 3yrs old that June and his father,Edward, requested to have his summer days as stated on the visitation orders. Although I really didn't want my son to leave my side I had to let him go.
him and i didnt get well along, we separated shortly after moving in together following the birth of Matthew. Matt wasn't planned but he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. so anyway we had court visitations and up to that summer he had only gotten matthew the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend of each month. during those weekends matthew rarely stayed overnight.
Since the time had passed after our separation, i was happily living with my boyfriend jake ( my husband now), and Edward had a new chick, Stephanie, whom had a child not of Edwards and a child of his.
Well, that summer I had this gut feeling of (dont take him) intuition. I talked with a lawyer who adviced me that it be on Matthews best interest for us to follow the orders as they were if Matthew was not in any type of harm. So on July !st Stephanie picked my son up from my home and took him to their apartment. I called him every other night and cried for him allot. ( i was pregnant of my husbands baby , so very emotional)
On July 27, only less than a week before the month was over, his father calls me and tells me that my son had blisters on his feet. I told him to take him to the doctor the next day as what he described made me imagine a blister one gets from wearing new shoes. he told me then that while he was at work Steph had let Matt walk outside on hot pavement and that the blisters were from that but that they were little and on the heels. I told him again to take him to the doctor the next day.
So he did, and around midday the next day he calls me and tells me that he was on the way to the hospital because the doctor had told him to take my son there. I was very alarmed at this point. I rushed to the hospital only to find my son about ten pounds lighter and his feet swollen with bubbly blisters covering them from the toes to the ankles. to my already surprise, i was told that the same blisters were also in his genitals and buttocks area. I immediately knew that Steph had lied and that something much worse had happened to my baby.
That night Edward left the hospital and I stayed there with Jake, they ended up flying us to the Lubbock Burn Center. Before we left the hospital staff helped me get in touch with cps and law enforcement and they started a long investigation.
My son took almost 6 months for full recovery. Luckily no skin graffs were needed but he was unable to walk for about 3 months and the whole hospital experience was a traumatic one. His speech before the accident was good for his age but then after everything he completely shut off on us and speech became a major issue. he is doing very well now.
As for Steph, part of my recent stress was that last month we finally had trial for her charges. She was being accused of intentionally/knowingly causing bodily harm to a child under 15yrs old, that was a 1st degree felony. amoungst the charges, were 6 others which basically meant the same guilt with lesser of a charge.
On September 30th, she was found guilty of a 2nd degree felony for recklessly causing injury to my son. this was mainly because of multiple lies she had said for the last two years and because she knew the bath tub was hot when he got in it.
I still think it in my heart that she purposely dunked him in and wish her punishment had been higher, but i'm content that this is all settled and she will serve some time for what happened. no, im not the kind of person that wishes harm on others but this lady made me feel an anger i had never in my life thought of feeling. The jury only gave her two years in prison but i hope she reflects on the physical, and mental harm she did to my baby.
Maybe I am being spiteful I don't know, but I had to write about this and finally let it go.
I wont lie that after it came to a closing I have felt so much better.
anyway, remember i wrote that my husband finally let me have a kitten?
well meet Toby

not a week passed by when my husband decided to bring him a friend, Midnight.

We all like them both very much, it took them a few days to get used to each other but now they are always together.
Matthew is doing so much better lately too, I think he has noticed my stress level decreasing. He is getting counseling and progressing in school.

He helped me last night with these for his class tomorrow
Happy Halloween!

Have a nice weekend readers

Thank you for your kind blog comment, lady! I'm glad I'm not alone. Glad your son is doing so much better! <3
Oh my gosh! That's infuriating to read. That woman deserves much worse but at least your son is okay.