christ oh lord i can't sleep i think i slept for like 3 hrs my ears hurt so fucking bad i am gonna kick my ex's ass who is my body piercer anyways i had 12 guage stretched ears and i went to the shop today to go to a 10 my goal is going to a 4 guage ok so anyways he tried to 10 guage taper inside that went rigth thru and the plugs would've fell out i guess so hes like ok i am going to a 8 i am like fine hes like oh it will feel like getting your ears pierced im like ok. fucking liar!!!! so he did it and did'nt tell me afterwards that he put 6 guages in my fucking ears so i went from being a 12 gauge to a 6 all in one day yes i am a pussy it fucking hurts and now i cant sleep cause my damn ears hurt ugh make it stop!!!
pics of my poor sore ears
ear pic 1
ear pic 2

pics of my poor sore ears
ear pic 1
ear pic 2

sucks that it hurts, but it looks cool.