Well, it's been almost a year since I last posted here. I can't believe it's been that long. So much has changed since December of last year. I've learned a lot in since then, about life, about film, but mostly about myself. I'd love to share, but who has time to read all that anyway!? Best just to remember it all and hope I can hold on to what I've learned.
Halloween is just around the corner!
Anyone seen any good horror movies lately (besides the mainstream remakes)? I'd love to hear what you're are watching! My current fav is "The New Daughter", which I definitely didn't expect to like, but took a chance on anyway. I'm not a Kevin Costner fan (with the exception of Robin Hood), and it's definitely not the greatest movie ever made, but I was riveted. Perhaps it was the atmosphere, perhaps it was the pot, but either way, I was actually scared for the first time in months. So props to a somewhat original story that achieved its desired effect.
Anyway, just wanted to drop in an say hello, let you know I'm still alive at least. Hope everyone is well. Stop by and share if you can. I'd love to hear what everyone is watching as All Hollow's Eve approaches.
xoxo Cait
p.s. Happy Halloween!!!
Halloween is just around the corner!

Anyway, just wanted to drop in an say hello, let you know I'm still alive at least. Hope everyone is well. Stop by and share if you can. I'd love to hear what everyone is watching as All Hollow's Eve approaches.
xoxo Cait
p.s. Happy Halloween!!!
well welcome back!
in to suspense flicks at all? rear window is my all time favorite