so...i'm moving to the big apple in like 15 days! this is the 7th time i've moved in the last 6 years
i should be a pro at this by now, right?...nope! i'm pretty comfortable living in denial right up until about two weeks before they kick me out. so that would be right about....NOW!
i hate all the goodbyes and telling everyone "we'll keep in touch", when in reality, how many people can you really keep up with? not all that many. in my head, i know it will be the last time i see most of these people and that's just how it is...
my closest friend is pregnant, so i'll be back in november when she pops it out (i love you nell-bell
), but it's still weird to be leaving this life behind, only to start all over again
and so it goes...right?

i hate all the goodbyes and telling everyone "we'll keep in touch", when in reality, how many people can you really keep up with? not all that many. in my head, i know it will be the last time i see most of these people and that's just how it is...
my closest friend is pregnant, so i'll be back in november when she pops it out (i love you nell-bell

and so it goes...right?

Good luck with your new start