i went out to the bar tonight with a friend. when we got there, a guy from the neighborhood sat with us. somehow we got into a discussion about politics and november's election. this ignorant asshole was so closed and so backward. as he left the table he screams "go eat some more, you fat bitch!", in front of the whole bar.
i made it to my car before i lost it. i didn't want my friends to see me cry. i don't know how to deal with this. i don't know how to deal with these feelings. i'm really hurt. the truth is, no one gives a shit what you have to say unless your thin and beautiful. nothing i ever say with be taken seriously unless i lose weight. that hurts me. it really hurts my heart. of course my friend was full of compliments and she tried very hard to comfort me, but there's very little she could say to erase that comment from my head.
i hate feeling like this, feeling worthless, feeling fat. i know i shouldn't let assholes like that get to me, but words can really hurt sometimes. emotion trumps logic in this situation and i just want to cry
i made it to my car before i lost it. i didn't want my friends to see me cry. i don't know how to deal with this. i don't know how to deal with these feelings. i'm really hurt. the truth is, no one gives a shit what you have to say unless your thin and beautiful. nothing i ever say with be taken seriously unless i lose weight. that hurts me. it really hurts my heart. of course my friend was full of compliments and she tried very hard to comfort me, but there's very little she could say to erase that comment from my head.
i hate feeling like this, feeling worthless, feeling fat. i know i shouldn't let assholes like that get to me, but words can really hurt sometimes. emotion trumps logic in this situation and i just want to cry

You had said that "no one gives a shit what you have to say unless your thin and beautiful." The sad truth is most people don't care what anyone says, and prefer only to hear themselves wax poetic on whatever topic fascinates them. And people only pretend to give a shit what thin and beautiful women have to say, for obvious motives.
Not sure I really helped at all, and anyway it looks like you're over it.