Music: Cherry Poppin' Daddys
YEY! Brandon finnaly got my pictures! Check them out! He scanned them and put them on here! They are under Germany!!! HOTNESS! Thats me now, here, in fucking Germany, lol. I died my hair black again and died my bangs red and my roots red and thin streaks red. Awesome huh? Let me know what you think.... rate me. Here...
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Music: Cherry Poppin' Daddys
YEY! Brandon finnaly got my pictures! Check them out! He scanned them and put them on here! They are under Germany!!! HOTNESS! Thats me now, here, in fucking Germany, lol. I died my hair black again and died my bangs red and my roots red and thin streaks red. Awesome huh? Let me know what you think.... rate me. Here...
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lookin good sugar


Music: Sleepless Cradle Of Filth
Well, Brandon kinda slipped up with not drinking. Hmm... But I told him it was ok because I love him. I do too. He means more to me than anything in the world, and I can honestly say that. God I love him so much. Well... Nothing happend today, just went to work, and now I am home. And...
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yeah, i have to say it too, she is cute, funny how I grow older, kids and babies seem to be cute.
Hi I'm forwarding this for a friend
Hello Cherrybombbettie,
I am using this person to send you a message though suicidegirls, because I do not have an account with SG.
I am sorry to ask of this from you, but can you please not link the photos from the Bats Day site to your SG Blog. This is eating up a lot of bandwidth from my site. If you wish to post these images to your blog, you can copy the images and save them to your own webspace. Then you can link them from there.
Thanks for your understanding, and if you have any questions you can email me directly at
Hello Cherrybombbettie,
I am using this person to send you a message though suicidegirls, because I do not have an account with SG.
I am sorry to ask of this from you, but can you please not link the photos from the Bats Day site to your SG Blog. This is eating up a lot of bandwidth from my site. If you wish to post these images to your blog, you can copy the images and save them to your own webspace. Then you can link them from there.
Thanks for your understanding, and if you have any questions you can email me directly at
I hate people.
Mooda (Tierd in German)
Music: The sound of the computer buzzing
Well, I just got back from a grill party, which was shit, sort of. It was Eva, Peter, and I, we went to one of Peters friends house's and his wife, and the girl from next door came over, she is 15 her name is Kristen. She was nice. We played ping pong...
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Music: The sound of the computer buzzing

Well, I just got back from a grill party, which was shit, sort of. It was Eva, Peter, and I, we went to one of Peters friends house's and his wife, and the girl from next door came over, she is 15 her name is Kristen. She was nice. We played ping pong...
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heyloo, my name is stupid, or stud muffin, jk, well, cant talk right now, watching pirates of the carribean and drinking piss warm beer, comment some more, or talk to me on msn sometime, bye bye.

oh my goodness, thank you so much!
You're not so bed yourself there, hunn

Music: Tiger Army Incorporeal
Well, today is Friday... I thought yesterday was Wednesday for some reason. Frikin' frack man, this week has gone by like a flash! Really it has for me. I hope next week, and the week after that and all the other weeks I am here are like that too. I mean, I like it here and all, but I...
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Music: Tiger Army Incorporeal
Well, today is Friday... I thought yesterday was Wednesday for some reason. Frikin' frack man, this week has gone by like a flash! Really it has for me. I hope next week, and the week after that and all the other weeks I am here are like that too. I mean, I like it here and all, but I...
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Where are you at? or where is home?
oh i llooooove tiger army!!!!!!!!! ohh i want to tie up nick 13 and lick him all over.
yes we should chill when you get home.
im gonna go out tonight and ill look at borders or whatever and see if i can find it agin or ill go on an internet hunt. ill check the shipping too. (it doesnt cost anythig to have the book ordered from the publisher to the book store) but ill look. no beef. ill see about both of them the unauthorized one is soo kool.
the funniest thing about those jokes is that my mom sent them to me......
later love!
yes we should chill when you get home.
im gonna go out tonight and ill look at borders or whatever and see if i can find it agin or ill go on an internet hunt. ill check the shipping too. (it doesnt cost anythig to have the book ordered from the publisher to the book store) but ill look. no beef. ill see about both of them the unauthorized one is soo kool.
the funniest thing about those jokes is that my mom sent them to me......
later love!
Music: Halloween Misfits
Sorry about the couple days of not writing... I have been on the site, but kinda too depressed to write anything.
If theres anyone who has or hasn't read Brandon's resent entry, please do, because you will then know that true love still does excist, and I have it, hehehe! no, j\k... read it.
I love him so much... I have...
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Music: Halloween Misfits
Sorry about the couple days of not writing... I have been on the site, but kinda too depressed to write anything.

I love him so much... I have...
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thanks for the comment-its good your mood is happy face and the music is halloween-i wish my cd's were here so i could listen to the misfits

ohh honey baby...dont be sad. *pout* he'll be home soon. *biiiiiggggggg hug*
i did get the book from a store but..special order..its no prob i can do it...i got the paperback for 19.95.
but i know how you feel. i miss my bubby too. *pout*
lets be sad together so we can make each other happy
im gonna post some jokes just for you when i write my next journal cus i dont want to overlaod your comments.
love you!
i did get the book from a store but..special order..its no prob i can do it...i got the paperback for 19.95.

but i know how you feel. i miss my bubby too. *pout*
lets be sad together so we can make each other happy

im gonna post some jokes just for you when i write my next journal cus i dont want to overlaod your comments.
love you!

Im tierd. I am going to bed in a few minutes and will write back tomorrow. I wish that Brandon would start leaving more comments.

Im tierd. I am going to bed in a few minutes and will write back tomorrow. I wish that Brandon would start leaving more comments.
glad you like the name too. the only reason ive lost weight is cus the first week or two after surgery i didnt really eat that much..but now im back at my ususal appetite. sux. but i kinda cheat and take diet pills. even though matt hates them but i hate his smoking so its even,kinda. besides no man wants a stick figure as a girlfriend. and just think....your not fat unless all the doors in your house are french and your ass takes up a whole couch!
and you might be better off going to a borders or barnes and nobel and trying to find it cus since its out of print it has to be special order. un and it took me 2 years to find it for under 160. but ill try if you want me to. i know it will be good the unauthorized was wonderful, you can get that on off ebay straight from the author for about 12-15, or i did. but yeah if you want ill search and find you one. just say the word.
love ya sweets!
and you might be better off going to a borders or barnes and nobel and trying to find it cus since its out of print it has to be special order. un and it took me 2 years to find it for under 160. but ill try if you want me to. i know it will be good the unauthorized was wonderful, you can get that on off ebay straight from the author for about 12-15, or i did. but yeah if you want ill search and find you one. just say the word.
love ya sweets!

Hey you!!!
Awwww.....hope you got some rest!--Update please! Come and check out my new one today. By the way, my best friend (McG) and I think your pics are SOOO sexy! You can only get more beautiful...hehe...err..*looks down at the ground**
ciao cutie!
Awwww.....hope you got some rest!--Update please! Come and check out my new one today. By the way, my best friend (McG) and I think your pics are SOOO sexy! You can only get more beautiful...hehe...err..*looks down at the ground**
ciao cutie!
Well. I got back from Berlin at 5:30 this morning. It was hard for me to sleep to long because the sun had already rised and it was hot. It was fun though. It was me, Sousie, her boyfriend, and her boyfriends friend with his girlfriend. I was all alone. First we went to this rockabilly club called Wild at Heart. It was a...
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Well. I got back from Berlin at 5:30 this morning. It was hard for me to sleep to long because the sun had already rised and it was hot. It was fun though. It was me, Sousie, her boyfriend, and her boyfriends friend with his girlfriend. I was all alone. First we went to this rockabilly club called Wild at Heart. It was a...
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So ya wanna be friends, huh? Tell me stuff aboutcha girl :o)
Well, this weekend me and Suoise with be going to a gothic industial club. She doesn't really jive with punk or emo or rockabilly, haha. But it's all good, I loooove goth too. I took some pictures of me yesterday while I was walking down the road in my garden. I am going to try and send them to Brandon, but this computer is...
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Well, this weekend me and Suoise with be going to a gothic industial club. She doesn't really jive with punk or emo or rockabilly, haha. But it's all good, I loooove goth too. I took some pictures of me yesterday while I was walking down the road in my garden. I am going to try and send them to Brandon, but this computer is...
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HaHa! Brandon, I love you! It turns me on so much when you get jelous!! It makes me want to take the next plane home and fuck the shit out of you! HA! Wow... just now relized how horny and sex deprived I am, for you baby! Love you daddy!!!

God I did it again...
I got all lazy about letting people in the group and I forgot to let ppl in.
Welcome to the BCB group.
I got all lazy about letting people in the group and I forgot to let ppl in.
Welcome to the BCB group.
Holy crap, if I get one more IM or e-mail from my grandma in Cali, I am going to fucking through this computer out the fucking window.
She still controls my life, even though I live all the way on the otherside of the fucking earth! And not to mention that I am 18. She is still telling me what to eat, and wear,...
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Holy crap, if I get one more IM or e-mail from my grandma in Cali, I am going to fucking through this computer out the fucking window.

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you damn lush, there is only room for one alkie in this relationship and thats me, haha! and i always tried to get you to drink vodka or something other than mikes, but noooo. goober. here you are a lush and i gonna go this whole week without a drop of booze. I think it will be the longest i've gone in a very long time. go me! at least you dont get sick as hell liek i do.
love you too honey, glad you are having fun.
love you too honey, glad you are having fun.