Music: Enya A Day Without Rain
I hade a dream last night. I was home at Brandon's, living with him, I was about 19 years old, and about 8 or 9 months pregnant. I was a total rockabilly knockout! I wore little red and black dolly dresses, and cute 50's shoes. In my dream I remember it was night, two weeks before I was due. Brandon and I were lieing in bed together, both naked, like we usally sleep. We were wrapped together in the spoon position and talking softly together, as we placed our hands on my firm round tummy, feeling the baby move within. He wispered in a voice so sweet, "I couldn't ask for anything more."
All of a sudden my water broke so we got up, pur our clothes on and rushed to the hospital. We got there at about 1:00 A.M. and I was in labor at about 1:25 P.M. Everything went so fast. All I remember of that part of the dream is Brandon standing over me and stroking the hair away from my face, and eyes. Smiling down at me, holding my hand so tight as I sqweezed. He mouthed 'I Love You'. I heard a babys cry, and the nurse saying, "It's a girl!" The doctor put her in my arms, Brandon and my tears began to fall. I looked up at him, and smiled and then looked at our new born baby girl and said, "Hello little Paige, we've been waiting for you." And thats when my alarm went off to go to work.... wow... what a vivid dream!

Music: Enya A Day Without Rain
I hade a dream last night. I was home at Brandon's, living with him, I was about 19 years old, and about 8 or 9 months pregnant. I was a total rockabilly knockout! I wore little red and black dolly dresses, and cute 50's shoes. In my dream I remember it was night, two weeks before I was due. Brandon and I were lieing in bed together, both naked, like we usally sleep. We were wrapped together in the spoon position and talking softly together, as we placed our hands on my firm round tummy, feeling the baby move within. He wispered in a voice so sweet, "I couldn't ask for anything more."
All of a sudden my water broke so we got up, pur our clothes on and rushed to the hospital. We got there at about 1:00 A.M. and I was in labor at about 1:25 P.M. Everything went so fast. All I remember of that part of the dream is Brandon standing over me and stroking the hair away from my face, and eyes. Smiling down at me, holding my hand so tight as I sqweezed. He mouthed 'I Love You'. I heard a babys cry, and the nurse saying, "It's a girl!" The doctor put her in my arms, Brandon and my tears began to fall. I looked up at him, and smiled and then looked at our new born baby girl and said, "Hello little Paige, we've been waiting for you." And thats when my alarm went off to go to work.... wow... what a vivid dream!
WOW,that IS a vivid dream-dreams like that are nice to wake up to
well maybe i'll keep checking it out, if you keep adding pictures like the last one (;