Well, today me Eva and Peter went to Berlin. We went to the outside markets and walked them up and down. I got an Indian ( Hindu )-like purse, and the Mutter, Rammstien CD. I have been wanting that one for a while now.
Isn't that picture that Brandon put up on my site ( emo_lishious ) cute!? That was when we went to Vegas. We were so drunk haha! Obviously, we both look like faded fools, but sexy faded fools.
I miss Brandon so much... yawns well, I am going to go watch a movie on my laptop in my room. Chowness. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye!
Well, today me Eva and Peter went to Berlin. We went to the outside markets and walked them up and down. I got an Indian ( Hindu )-like purse, and the Mutter, Rammstien CD. I have been wanting that one for a while now.
Isn't that picture that Brandon put up on my site ( emo_lishious ) cute!? That was when we went to Vegas. We were so drunk haha! Obviously, we both look like faded fools, but sexy faded fools.
I miss Brandon so much... yawns well, I am going to go watch a movie on my laptop in my room. Chowness. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye!
I miss Germany