work has threatened us today with the premise of working tomorrow--on Good Friday. Well my co-worker buddy is taking the blow, cuz they want one of us to work and he is doing it. I'm fortunate, but that just plain sucks.
I missed the living end last night, got at the wiltern during Jet--who rocked. The ticket usher dude took us all over the place--he couldn't find our seats and he wouldn't just let us sit somewhere. He even took us to the wrong row and started hassling people who's seats they really were--idiot. Then the vines. They were great. But we were in the balcony and my buddy Jules and I were 2 out of a total of 5 people standing and rocking. Luckily, the couple behind us stood up when we did, and some asshole yelled for them to sit the fuck down. People it's not a fucking play, it is live music. Fuck off. Go home and sit on your couch and watch tv then. Didn't have any drama running into any unfriendlies which was cool. And then, early during the vines set, people started walking out. I couldn't believe it. Their loss. I was way jacked up and hyper after the show, and drunk from double fisting and slamming. We even flagged the cocktail waitress from our seats--a first for me, having beers brought to me during the show. We were going to try and get to the floor but the ticket ushers were policing to well. Avoided the girls bathroom line and hit the mens--no wait--relief.
I feel antzy. I just want to get out of here. 2 more hours till freedom. Offline till monday. Question for you all: Has anyone ever given/gotten a blumpie? and would you?
receiving oral sex while defacating on the toilet
I missed the living end last night, got at the wiltern during Jet--who rocked. The ticket usher dude took us all over the place--he couldn't find our seats and he wouldn't just let us sit somewhere. He even took us to the wrong row and started hassling people who's seats they really were--idiot. Then the vines. They were great. But we were in the balcony and my buddy Jules and I were 2 out of a total of 5 people standing and rocking. Luckily, the couple behind us stood up when we did, and some asshole yelled for them to sit the fuck down. People it's not a fucking play, it is live music. Fuck off. Go home and sit on your couch and watch tv then. Didn't have any drama running into any unfriendlies which was cool. And then, early during the vines set, people started walking out. I couldn't believe it. Their loss. I was way jacked up and hyper after the show, and drunk from double fisting and slamming. We even flagged the cocktail waitress from our seats--a first for me, having beers brought to me during the show. We were going to try and get to the floor but the ticket ushers were policing to well. Avoided the girls bathroom line and hit the mens--no wait--relief.
I feel antzy. I just want to get out of here. 2 more hours till freedom. Offline till monday. Question for you all: Has anyone ever given/gotten a blumpie? and would you?
receiving oral sex while defacating on the toilet
It was great meeting you last night, hope to do it again sometime...
touching your right boob was fun.