Last weekend I went to crazy girls and got rip roaring drunk. Met some new people. Got 3 or so lap dances from my favorites and a new girl that pulled my pigtails. It was my exes b-day on friday so let's say I was consuming even more to forget that. One of our mutual friends decided to remind me, but it's not like I didn't already remember. I called over my 3-some booty call after the club and was up all night. Saturday I was wrecked. Oy the hangover. I'm a girl that needs her sleep so it did me in this time. I managed to hang last weekend, (up all night with the couple) but this time I was couchbound. So I missed meeting up with SGLA and was bummed about that. Sunday I saw "the dreamers" and really liked it. What a body on that french girl. I had to get to bed early because I had to get up at 415am to get to LAX to fly to SF for work. So a couple of sleep deprived days and I'm back. I'm feeling a little down and am already longing for the weekend. I've got to hit some dyke bars since lately I've been sleeping with a Bi-chick and her dude. I won't suck or fuck him, just spank him and she is a really hot canadian. I'm supposed to meet some girl for drinks (blind internet date again), but she has no pix. She says she's french/spanish which sounds tasty, but no pix and last time with no pix, that didn't go so well. I'm debating the gamble. Plus it is muthafucking Valentine's day. I hate the world and I can see it in your eyes that you hate the world too. I hate feeling down. Thank god it is a 3-day weekend, so some fun is in my future.
lostarchitect--no a green machine bigwheel for adults. I used to ride a Honda Rebel 450 though.