Hello, sweet SG friends 🫶🏼 My month has been quite interesting! I was in the emergency room at the beginning of the month due to some fairly intense symptoms. It felt like my body was shutting down, giving up & going into shock! They didn’t help me much other than morphine & an IV.
Long story short, after adjusting my diet for a week in numerous ways to avoid stomach pains, I reached the point where I was unable to eat anything at all. ): I had to fast to make my stomach go down and the pain go away, then switch to a liquid diet. For a few days I could manage some solids in small amounts like plain chicken and fruit, however, at this point in time I can no longer tolerate anything other than pedialyte & water without being in pain. I can’t even handle fruits or smoothies anymore!
After an ultrasound, it turns out it is my gallbladder. Which, I had a feeling it was as I have a ridiculous family history of this issue! My gallbladder is inflamed, the walls are thickening & I have many gallstones, the largest being 16mm. The stones have likely been building up over time as I have had tummy problems for many years now!
That being said, I need to have surgery to remove it! ): I’ve never had surgery and although I know it’s a quick & easy process.. I’m still very nervous!
Just wanted to give a little update as I haven’t been as active lately and it may be difficult for me to do so in these upcoming weeks as my brain & body are very tired due to my health at the moment. I’m waiting for the surgery to be scheduled, otherwise I will be headed back to the ER to get it removed that way.
Thanks for reading! Love ya!