Spring semester has started up again and I have some much more intense classes this semester than last! I’m taking 14 credits worth of classes which is considered full time. One of my classes has a lab as well as lecture & I am also taking a foreign language class (ASL!). My classes are a combination of online & in person on campus, so that too is a bit to keep up with. I really enjoy being on campus, though! Everything is so online nowadays, however, that even my classes that are “in person” have online tests and homework. Sheesh!
I am studying for a major in psychology and a minor in sociology! I should have my bachelors by the end of 2024. Yay! Baby steps to the long term goal : doctorate. Yowza!
I decided to take on American Sign Language as my foreign language and it has been seriously awesome. I’m loving the experience, loving the language and am very much looking forward to becoming fairly skilled with it. I have plans to use it as part of my psych degree, but I’m thinking some cool interpreter jobs like for concerts would be so cool! Hehe.
I’ve got some other psych & sociology classes as well, of course and have already registered for my summer classes too. Gotta stay busy! Tryin to knock this degree out so I can get a job in the field & move onto my masters.
Plus, I have started a new job at this fun spot where I’m training to be a bartender. That too has been a fun experience and after being self employed for quite some time, I missed interacting with the public and being part of a cool little team.
That being said, between all of that, plus my online work.. I have been swamped! Very much enjoying it though. (:
xoxo CB 🍒💣