Usually I’m not big on the whole excitement of New Years Eve and have never done much to celebrate. Time is an illusion so the celebration of the new year has always felt a bit silly to me, however, I’m craving a reset.
No, we cannot turn back time or pause it, although that would be nice every once in awhile. I’ve always had an issue with time and how I perceive it. Without my conscious doing, time has always seemed to be different for me than other people. Things take me longer, I don’t have the best judgement of how much time is passing & I feel I’m always in a rush, catching up, or wasting it. For some reason, though, this whole “new year” concept I am looking forward to.
Everything and everyone else measures things by the ~year~ after all, so I suppose I may as well take advantage of the opportunity to give myself a refresher before my new Day 1 of 365 challenge of life.
I’ve had the month off of school and have not been traveling this month as I usually do this time of year for the holidays, which has been nice & chill. Best of all I am spending the last week of the year with my childhood best friend of over 20 years who I haven’t seen in nearly 5. We haven’t gotten to actually spend *time* together in much longer than that so “looking forward to it” is an understatement. Something about talking to her makes me feel like myself again, after all we did grow up together. What better way to help “reset” myself before the new year is all business, baby!?
I can admit I’ve been slacking, I’ve had a lot to keep up with & have not been doing as well with it all as I usually do and know I can. So, huzzah! Cheers to the new year and getting back on track to spending time the way it should be spent, how I want to enjoy it & brings me closer to where I aim to be. 💚
No “New Year, New Me” cus I’m tryna find the old me again, she used to get shit DONE!
Are you a New Year person? Do you have any “resolutions”, goals, plans or something you’re looking forward to?