so yeah. melbourne
theres a little something about this city that makes me miss san francisco...
home is neither here nor there. nothing really fits and my feet havent quite decided where they want to land. there are days when i think melbourne, am i really supposed to be here. and some days i think sydney, how would i even cope with the overwhelmingness of that sunny city, and somedays i think hawaii never been but maybe im supposed to be there
so basicly. not hating it but not loving it. waking up late, drinking lattes, bike riding, thinking, drinking, going to work, making money, coming home late.... and so it goes. theres something about work that is drawing me in and making most of my thoughts revolve around it. so im actively cutting my shifts and taking shifts at a cafe to give my mind a little more freedom and individuality... hope it works.
on a lighter note. i bought a wig
(can you tell im addicted to instagram)
♥ cherry
theres a little something about this city that makes me miss san francisco...
home is neither here nor there. nothing really fits and my feet havent quite decided where they want to land. there are days when i think melbourne, am i really supposed to be here. and some days i think sydney, how would i even cope with the overwhelmingness of that sunny city, and somedays i think hawaii never been but maybe im supposed to be there
so basicly. not hating it but not loving it. waking up late, drinking lattes, bike riding, thinking, drinking, going to work, making money, coming home late.... and so it goes. theres something about work that is drawing me in and making most of my thoughts revolve around it. so im actively cutting my shifts and taking shifts at a cafe to give my mind a little more freedom and individuality... hope it works.
on a lighter note. i bought a wig
(can you tell im addicted to instagram)
♥ cherry
That wig is pretty cool,it gives you a totally new look