A new museum opened in Vancouver last year called the Biodiversity Musuem. It's basically a natural history museum but instead of being about natural life all over the world it's targeted to life in BC. It's really a beautiful museum full of huge collections from the past 100-120 years. I was really excited to finally go because I'd always said it was the only thing Vancouver was missing. Wherever I go I always try to find out if there's a natural history museum. They are usually my favourite museums and full of so many fascinating things.
The new Biodiversity museum is just beautiful. It's quite a modern looking building and layout but with all of these fascinating collections. This is just a really small part of the skeletal and mammal collection in the museum. I decided I couldn't possibly take in everything in one trip as about half way through I just couldn't absorb any more!
One of my favourite things is seeing all of the old writing on the older specimen labels (and even on some of the skulls as you can see). I've always wished I had beautiful handwriting like that of a naturalist. They always seem to have the nicest style when writing out those little beige labels.

On Thursday I head back up to the Yukon for the holidays. Land of no daylight and lots of snow and ice (; I'm actually looking forward to getting away from everything for a bit. I'll have to take some work with me, as always! But it's going to be so nice to just have time to sit and read. There's been so many books I've wanted to read over the last 6-8 months but I just haven't managed it. It seems like whenever I'm actually not working these days I'm just too exhausted to read even a little.
I miss it a lot. Reading is definitely one of my favourite ways to escape and discover a new world and ideas. Unfortunately I don't have the easiest time with it as I have to have a lot of energy and attention span which I find I often don't have these days because I'm working so much. This definitely feels like a run on sentence but hopefully it's understandable!
I think this might be the most frequent I've updated my SG journal since the early days of me being on here and I talked about complete nonsense. Don't look back, and those of you that remember, shhh!
I finally opened one... holy shit is it amazing. I wish I'd made ten gallons instead of just five!