Here's the scans of the film photos from Edinburgh. I really wish so many of my closest friends didn't live so far away. These photos make me miss them. So much nostalgia...

Pretty girls are always hiding from me...

(AnnaLee, Spleen, Dwam)

A pair of Northern Flickers moved into my neighbourhood this summer. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. They are one of my very favourite birds and they are so beautiful. I'm amazed at how many people I see walking around and not noticing birds... especially when they have such interesting or striking and loud calls. It makes me realise how little of the world around them many people take into account. Perhaps it's just who I am but I feel like I'm bombarded with things happening around me every day and I just can't ignore those little sounds or flashes out of the corner of my eye. I often stop everything I'm doing to stare out of the window to find out what's making a certain sound.

I can hear the flickers right as I finish typing this. It's pretty magical. There are a couple of different subspecies but here in the west we get the Red Shafted Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus cafer). They are incredibly distinct looking and very soft with these beautiful spots but it's not until they take flight that you really see why they are so striking... the underside of their wings and tails are anything from salmon to bright red and it really flashes at you when they take off, it's so bright. It's amazing that such flashiness is almost completely hidden when they're not flying.
Unusually the females are just as colourful as the males. You can hear their amazing calls here:
The PEW sound reminds me of a toy laser gun (:

Pretty girls are always hiding from me...

(AnnaLee, Spleen, Dwam)

A pair of Northern Flickers moved into my neighbourhood this summer. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. They are one of my very favourite birds and they are so beautiful. I'm amazed at how many people I see walking around and not noticing birds... especially when they have such interesting or striking and loud calls. It makes me realise how little of the world around them many people take into account. Perhaps it's just who I am but I feel like I'm bombarded with things happening around me every day and I just can't ignore those little sounds or flashes out of the corner of my eye. I often stop everything I'm doing to stare out of the window to find out what's making a certain sound.

I can hear the flickers right as I finish typing this. It's pretty magical. There are a couple of different subspecies but here in the west we get the Red Shafted Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus cafer). They are incredibly distinct looking and very soft with these beautiful spots but it's not until they take flight that you really see why they are so striking... the underside of their wings and tails are anything from salmon to bright red and it really flashes at you when they take off, it's so bright. It's amazing that such flashiness is almost completely hidden when they're not flying.
Unusually the females are just as colourful as the males. You can hear their amazing calls here:
The PEW sound reminds me of a toy laser gun (:
Wow!, amazing work here!, beautiful pics!
After Rain City Memories I have to admit that I wasn't expecting for The Wolf Who Caught The Bird. It's a MASTERPIECE.