Hi SG Friends!
First, I'll show you a handful of sets and then if you can make it past all of the beautiful girls, I'll tell you about them below!
These are some of the sets that Voodou and I have shot together in Vancouver over the past few weeks, I really hope you take the time to have a look and leave us a comment or two!
Parker - Shutter Bug
(One of our most favourite and active members in SGBC she really needs to be pink soon! BTW for you camera nerds, that is just part of my collection, and yes Parker is a photographer too!)

Aadie - Time Out
(This lovely lady was SO excited to get to shoot for SG, she really loves this place)

Alkaline - Unthought
(Another longtime SGBC member... she was going to give up shooting! But she promised one last shot at it with me)

Cruella - Pirateology Storytime
(This set took hours of preparation, shooting and editing! And a whole lot of the BC SGs pulled together to make this awesome, check out their cameos!)

I don't usually post about sets much in my blogs, but so much of my free time lately has been spent shooting local hopefuls and SGs in Vancouver. I've really enjoyed shooting at home again, which isn't always possible because a lot of the work out there is far away.
I've got myself an incredible and helpful assistant (Voodou) and an awesome place that I've been using as my studio spaces and CherryHQ. It's just felt so good to have somewhere to call my home base again. It's also been a lot of fun teaching Voodou the things I've learned about photography over the past 8-10 years of shooting.
We're starting with the basics and it's actually fun to remind myself of how to understand light and framing. If you're naturally attuned to seeing how light forms and spills it can be difficult to really pass that knowledge on because sometimes it's not something that can be learned by everyone. Luckily Voodou is a fast learner and super smart. I barely have to even tell her where to point the light or reflector these days. And let me tell you that lady works hard!
I can really see the difference in my work having her around and maybe you can too?
I've also been getting my portfolio together for a fresh start in getting more commissions that are local to me. That started with Pavement that by now you've probably seen and then more recently with some portraits for composer extraordinaire S_Eldorado which I'm very excited about.
I also had a fantastic, but far too brief visit from my good friend Squeak last week. I really miss that girl! I can't believe we only get to see each other a couple of times a year. We're both huge introverts but when we're together I feel like we never shut up. She was only staying with me for four days, but we did some touristy things and played some board games and video games and generally I just tried to ignore the fact that she wasn't going to be around for very long. My days are so empty now! EDIT: She wrote a much better post about it with lots of pictures so go see: http://suicidegirls.com/girls/Squeak/2448545/
If you want to see us being silly you should take a look at the video she made for her new set:
Gah, so much fun!
We've also been having a lot of art jams and things here in Vancouver with all of my favourite SGBC people. The regulars have been (in no particular order!) Parker, Choplogik, Phoenix, zathril, S_Eldorado, Cruella, pacmanman, Voodou, kumquat, Shanti and myself! It's been so inspiring and fun just to be around amazingly creative people who are all so supportive of each other.
I also had a little pumking carving party with Choplogik, Phoenix, S_Eldorado and Cruella. It was so much fun. You can see photos of the shenanigans here.
And the fruits of my efforts! I Pacman Ghost Gourd and a Robotic Love Scene:

Wow, that was an epic update. I really hope it made up for all of the things I haven't had time to stop to tell you about this year! <3
PS I'm going to be 29 in two weeks and I'm kind of scared. 1 Year until the dreaded Thhhhh
First, I'll show you a handful of sets and then if you can make it past all of the beautiful girls, I'll tell you about them below!
These are some of the sets that Voodou and I have shot together in Vancouver over the past few weeks, I really hope you take the time to have a look and leave us a comment or two!
Parker - Shutter Bug
(One of our most favourite and active members in SGBC she really needs to be pink soon! BTW for you camera nerds, that is just part of my collection, and yes Parker is a photographer too!)

Aadie - Time Out
(This lovely lady was SO excited to get to shoot for SG, she really loves this place)

Alkaline - Unthought
(Another longtime SGBC member... she was going to give up shooting! But she promised one last shot at it with me)

Cruella - Pirateology Storytime
(This set took hours of preparation, shooting and editing! And a whole lot of the BC SGs pulled together to make this awesome, check out their cameos!)

I don't usually post about sets much in my blogs, but so much of my free time lately has been spent shooting local hopefuls and SGs in Vancouver. I've really enjoyed shooting at home again, which isn't always possible because a lot of the work out there is far away.
I've got myself an incredible and helpful assistant (Voodou) and an awesome place that I've been using as my studio spaces and CherryHQ. It's just felt so good to have somewhere to call my home base again. It's also been a lot of fun teaching Voodou the things I've learned about photography over the past 8-10 years of shooting.
We're starting with the basics and it's actually fun to remind myself of how to understand light and framing. If you're naturally attuned to seeing how light forms and spills it can be difficult to really pass that knowledge on because sometimes it's not something that can be learned by everyone. Luckily Voodou is a fast learner and super smart. I barely have to even tell her where to point the light or reflector these days. And let me tell you that lady works hard!
I can really see the difference in my work having her around and maybe you can too?
I've also been getting my portfolio together for a fresh start in getting more commissions that are local to me. That started with Pavement that by now you've probably seen and then more recently with some portraits for composer extraordinaire S_Eldorado which I'm very excited about.
I also had a fantastic, but far too brief visit from my good friend Squeak last week. I really miss that girl! I can't believe we only get to see each other a couple of times a year. We're both huge introverts but when we're together I feel like we never shut up. She was only staying with me for four days, but we did some touristy things and played some board games and video games and generally I just tried to ignore the fact that she wasn't going to be around for very long. My days are so empty now! EDIT: She wrote a much better post about it with lots of pictures so go see: http://suicidegirls.com/girls/Squeak/2448545/
If you want to see us being silly you should take a look at the video she made for her new set:
Gah, so much fun!
We've also been having a lot of art jams and things here in Vancouver with all of my favourite SGBC people. The regulars have been (in no particular order!) Parker, Choplogik, Phoenix, zathril, S_Eldorado, Cruella, pacmanman, Voodou, kumquat, Shanti and myself! It's been so inspiring and fun just to be around amazingly creative people who are all so supportive of each other.
I also had a little pumking carving party with Choplogik, Phoenix, S_Eldorado and Cruella. It was so much fun. You can see photos of the shenanigans here.
And the fruits of my efforts! I Pacman Ghost Gourd and a Robotic Love Scene:

Wow, that was an epic update. I really hope it made up for all of the things I haven't had time to stop to tell you about this year! <3
PS I'm going to be 29 in two weeks and I'm kind of scared. 1 Year until the dreaded Thhhhh
by the way last year i turned the dreaded 30 and it sucked.. i mean, i hated it cos it was a big deal *to me* but this year i get to turn 31.. lol....
4 days is definitely not enough.