Why do we try to accomplish certain things? What certain things?
Unnecessary activities that no more further our progression through life than praying or going to church.
I have come to believe, so strongly that there are select few in the world that want only one thing - to shake off the human condition; to prove we are more than we're made of.
Watching a beautiful skateboarding video thanks to Vermelho it struck me more than I even thought before. Some of us just want to be bigger, stronger, more magical than we were ever promised by our genes or parents or grandparents.
Some of us want to fly, and then some.
I feel a drive returning to me that was lost for so long. If I could turn that drive in to passion and keep it burning, I may actually feel alive again.

As much as I wanted to stay at home and sulk several days ago, right now, I realise this part of the world, no matter the time of year allows me to breathe, and think and expand. Dawson City, ever since it's beginning in the goldrush days was always a place for those that don't fit in. As clich as that might be on a site like this one, it's never rung more true.
Screw the gold - - There is magic in them thar hills.

These are really starting to rack up! It's almost getting embarrassing, being the longest running remote photographer on SG.
Unnecessary activities that no more further our progression through life than praying or going to church.
I have come to believe, so strongly that there are select few in the world that want only one thing - to shake off the human condition; to prove we are more than we're made of.
Watching a beautiful skateboarding video thanks to Vermelho it struck me more than I even thought before. Some of us just want to be bigger, stronger, more magical than we were ever promised by our genes or parents or grandparents.
Some of us want to fly, and then some.
I feel a drive returning to me that was lost for so long. If I could turn that drive in to passion and keep it burning, I may actually feel alive again.

As much as I wanted to stay at home and sulk several days ago, right now, I realise this part of the world, no matter the time of year allows me to breathe, and think and expand. Dawson City, ever since it's beginning in the goldrush days was always a place for those that don't fit in. As clich as that might be on a site like this one, it's never rung more true.
Screw the gold - - There is magic in them thar hills.

These are really starting to rack up! It's almost getting embarrassing, being the longest running remote photographer on SG.
and of course you are one of the best photographers (if not the best) on here.