Edit: Yay! Go welcome my friend AnnaLee back <3
Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay: http://www.kcibr.org/
That's where I'm going to be this weekend. Unfortunately, I'm not competing because my Asthma has thwarted me. I'm going as official documentary maker and team support for our team "Yikes on Bikes". Fun! I've always wanted to go to Alaska, and while I'll only be just over the border at Haines Junction, it'll be a great experience. I'm going to be riding in the support vehicle behind our riders. It's apparently an extremely scenic and beautiful route and can last up to 10-12 hours.
Our team isn't really entering to win, or even come in the top numbers, but for the sheer experience. I have a lot of ideas for the documentary and I'll obviously be taking photos too. I'm thrilled. It was uncertain whether I'd actually be able to go without my residency (there being a border crossing involved and all), but luckily it got here just in time. Oh, and I want to thank everyone for the congratulations on that too. For the record, though, I'm not a Canadian citizen (yet), think of it like the American Green Card. I'll be eligible for citizenship in three years.
I'll update you all on the bike race early next week when I'm home again.
This past week I've been fairly sick again. It was either a mild flu or summer cold, plus I've been having numerous stomach troubles for the past six weeks. I feel like I've been sick forever now, I just want to be well and healthy again. One of my main problems is I don't seem to know when to take a break. Even this weekend when I had just 3 or 4 hours of sleep and I was so sick it hurt to move I was still working away. Today, I went to the doctor again (still no medical coverage - again not eligible for 3 months, but it's necessary), and things seem to not be too serious, I just need to get myself well. I need a holiday or a break or something... maybe just a week where I say "right, no work" and I do other things. I soon start to feel so guilty though...
I have a couple of projects in the works because it's about time I really got myself putting my passion back into my art rather than other stuff that doesn't pay off any kind of progress. I don't want to say too much, but one of them is regarding my last reserves of Polaroid film, ever. It's sad days, but it's good to have a project to feel like I'm "seeing it out with a bang" or however you say it.
Talking of which, here are some of my recent Polaroids:

- Vancouver's Chinatown is N. America's second biggest (after San Francisco)

- Annual car free day on The Drive in Vancouver (The Drive is a street named Commercial Drive in East Vancouver)



I thought you might be interested to see my sets as they go into member review, so I am simply going to list them here. I am getting more and more in there I have shot on film, and I know some of you are keen on those.
Thanks to you guys, both Archie's, Ala's, India's and Pirate's sets have made it to the front page, so far.
Silencia - Sleeping with Ghosts NEW
Meshell - Button Button
Moira - Lady Lazarus
Anila - Strength is...
Kit+Frankie - Moments like These
Moira - In a New Light
Miranda - From Within
Rin - My Own Madness
Lumiere - Liberty
Candee - Hard Candy
Dotty - Seafront
Dis - Skylines
Enola - Swedish Seduction
Miyo - In the Clouds
Korento - The Lover's Card
Djinn - Pinball Wizard
Morrigan - Dynamic
Check back soon as I'll be updating this section even if I don't post a new entry to my journal.
Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay: http://www.kcibr.org/
That's where I'm going to be this weekend. Unfortunately, I'm not competing because my Asthma has thwarted me. I'm going as official documentary maker and team support for our team "Yikes on Bikes". Fun! I've always wanted to go to Alaska, and while I'll only be just over the border at Haines Junction, it'll be a great experience. I'm going to be riding in the support vehicle behind our riders. It's apparently an extremely scenic and beautiful route and can last up to 10-12 hours.
Our team isn't really entering to win, or even come in the top numbers, but for the sheer experience. I have a lot of ideas for the documentary and I'll obviously be taking photos too. I'm thrilled. It was uncertain whether I'd actually be able to go without my residency (there being a border crossing involved and all), but luckily it got here just in time. Oh, and I want to thank everyone for the congratulations on that too. For the record, though, I'm not a Canadian citizen (yet), think of it like the American Green Card. I'll be eligible for citizenship in three years.
I'll update you all on the bike race early next week when I'm home again.
This past week I've been fairly sick again. It was either a mild flu or summer cold, plus I've been having numerous stomach troubles for the past six weeks. I feel like I've been sick forever now, I just want to be well and healthy again. One of my main problems is I don't seem to know when to take a break. Even this weekend when I had just 3 or 4 hours of sleep and I was so sick it hurt to move I was still working away. Today, I went to the doctor again (still no medical coverage - again not eligible for 3 months, but it's necessary), and things seem to not be too serious, I just need to get myself well. I need a holiday or a break or something... maybe just a week where I say "right, no work" and I do other things. I soon start to feel so guilty though...
I have a couple of projects in the works because it's about time I really got myself putting my passion back into my art rather than other stuff that doesn't pay off any kind of progress. I don't want to say too much, but one of them is regarding my last reserves of Polaroid film, ever. It's sad days, but it's good to have a project to feel like I'm "seeing it out with a bang" or however you say it.
Talking of which, here are some of my recent Polaroids:

- Vancouver's Chinatown is N. America's second biggest (after San Francisco)

- Annual car free day on The Drive in Vancouver (The Drive is a street named Commercial Drive in East Vancouver)



I thought you might be interested to see my sets as they go into member review, so I am simply going to list them here. I am getting more and more in there I have shot on film, and I know some of you are keen on those.
Thanks to you guys, both Archie's, Ala's, India's and Pirate's sets have made it to the front page, so far.
Silencia - Sleeping with Ghosts NEW
Meshell - Button Button
Moira - Lady Lazarus
Anila - Strength is...
Kit+Frankie - Moments like These
Moira - In a New Light
Miranda - From Within
Rin - My Own Madness
Lumiere - Liberty
Candee - Hard Candy
Dotty - Seafront
Dis - Skylines
Enola - Swedish Seduction
Miyo - In the Clouds
Korento - The Lover's Card
Djinn - Pinball Wizard
Morrigan - Dynamic
Check back soon as I'll be updating this section even if I don't post a new entry to my journal.
is Cherry Day-- yay!
Your work is always wonderful, always worth lingering over. Much love love love to you!