Who in the hell gave the go-ahead to shorten the week? I mean, how is it possibly Thursday night already?
I've been catching up on a lot of the following:
1. Scanning sets
2. Overdue Holga Customs
3. Emails (both work and for friends)
4. Prepping
5. Reading
And I just can't believe it's almost the weekend already.
So, as I have nothing much to report (except what I have listed in... well, list form) here is what I have been looking at on the internet in the last few weeks:
- read the intro here. There is nothing like someone portraying heartbreaking reality to give yourself some perspective. Warning: you will cry.
Penny Arcade: The Unhorse
- I have read and adored Penny Arcade for many years. This is a recent one that gave me the giggles. Warning: Penny Arcade is mostly video game humour or in-jokes.
xkcd - Forks and Spoons
- another old favourite of mine. This one was particularly funny and probably one of the least "geeky". Warning: xkcd is full of nerdy nerdy humour.
exploding dog - sleeping to dream about you
- I'm pretty sure everyone around here has heard of exploding dog by now. This one was on my desktop for a while, it sums me up. Warning: If you haven't seen exploding dog before, prepare to waste some time going through the archives.
- our own Vermelho's neatly organised pile of thoughts
- stay ahead of the game
- it is really interesting to me how trends take over the universe. currently it seems to be cupcakes.
Lou O'Bedlam
- one of my favourite portrait photographers. He recently photographed Zoetica too.
Garage Flower
- John is an English man in Russia. He has a really unique and experimental look on his world. He professes he is just "learning" but he has an eye most would be jealous of.
I read another book this week. This one was called Un Lun Dun by China Miville, I really want to talk about it but every time I come to my journal to write about a book I've read I feel like I am saying the same things over and over with the same terrible adjectives and the same awe I have of any book I fall in love with.
So, I am not really sure what to say about it, other than - read it. It's a modernised, Londonised take on stories like Alice in Wonderland - fantastical and improbable worlds of mischief. It's truly a masterpiece, too, not just some half-arsed derivative like so many books are of similar genres.
Did I mention, that time is moving too fast for me lately? Well, it is.

I thought you might be interested to see my sets as they go into member review, so I am simply going to list them here. I am getting more and more in there I have shot on film, and I know some of you are keen on those.
Thanks to you guys, both Archie's and Ala's sets have made it to the front page.
Moira - Lady Lazarus NEW
Anila - Strength is... NEW
Pirate - het piraat bier - NEW
Meshell - Button Button COMING SOON (June 10th 5pm PST)
Moira - In a New Light
Miranda - From Within
Rin - My Own Madness
Lumiere - Liberty
Dotty - Seafront
Dis - Skylines
Check back very soon as I'll be updating this section even if I don't post a new entry to my journal.
I've been catching up on a lot of the following:
1. Scanning sets
2. Overdue Holga Customs
3. Emails (both work and for friends)
4. Prepping
5. Reading
And I just can't believe it's almost the weekend already.
So, as I have nothing much to report (except what I have listed in... well, list form) here is what I have been looking at on the internet in the last few weeks:
- read the intro here. There is nothing like someone portraying heartbreaking reality to give yourself some perspective. Warning: you will cry.
Penny Arcade: The Unhorse
- I have read and adored Penny Arcade for many years. This is a recent one that gave me the giggles. Warning: Penny Arcade is mostly video game humour or in-jokes.
xkcd - Forks and Spoons
- another old favourite of mine. This one was particularly funny and probably one of the least "geeky". Warning: xkcd is full of nerdy nerdy humour.
exploding dog - sleeping to dream about you
- I'm pretty sure everyone around here has heard of exploding dog by now. This one was on my desktop for a while, it sums me up. Warning: If you haven't seen exploding dog before, prepare to waste some time going through the archives.
- our own Vermelho's neatly organised pile of thoughts
- stay ahead of the game
- it is really interesting to me how trends take over the universe. currently it seems to be cupcakes.
Lou O'Bedlam
- one of my favourite portrait photographers. He recently photographed Zoetica too.
Garage Flower
- John is an English man in Russia. He has a really unique and experimental look on his world. He professes he is just "learning" but he has an eye most would be jealous of.
I read another book this week. This one was called Un Lun Dun by China Miville, I really want to talk about it but every time I come to my journal to write about a book I've read I feel like I am saying the same things over and over with the same terrible adjectives and the same awe I have of any book I fall in love with.
So, I am not really sure what to say about it, other than - read it. It's a modernised, Londonised take on stories like Alice in Wonderland - fantastical and improbable worlds of mischief. It's truly a masterpiece, too, not just some half-arsed derivative like so many books are of similar genres.
Did I mention, that time is moving too fast for me lately? Well, it is.

I thought you might be interested to see my sets as they go into member review, so I am simply going to list them here. I am getting more and more in there I have shot on film, and I know some of you are keen on those.
Thanks to you guys, both Archie's and Ala's sets have made it to the front page.
Moira - Lady Lazarus NEW
Anila - Strength is... NEW
Pirate - het piraat bier - NEW
Meshell - Button Button COMING SOON (June 10th 5pm PST)
Moira - In a New Light
Miranda - From Within
Rin - My Own Madness
Lumiere - Liberty
Dotty - Seafront
Dis - Skylines
Check back very soon as I'll be updating this section even if I don't post a new entry to my journal.
I have always loved your photography =)