Soon you'll be getting to see a lot more of me anyway. And, I mean quite soon!
In other news I have completed more Holgas and designs this week! It really is fun! This week I've been looking into other avenues to sell my designs and branch out. I really enjoy the process so much and the fact that I am possibly encouraging more people to try out taking photos in film is really encouraging!
I suppose this journal entry is similar to the one I posted last week. I am really repeating myself.
Okay, latest offering on sale:
This one is only starting at $65 with film which is the cost of the basic camera with no film in a lot of places including lomography!
What are you waiting for?
What other styles would you like to see me produce? Are you waiting for me to come up with something more your style? Let me know!
And remember you can always commission one (I have had a few commissions now and so I really have the process down, I think):
Soon I am going to be running a sale to raise $800 to fly Moira over here. She's had some pretty bad luck with jobs and bureaucracy lately and I really think she deserves a break. Not only this, I want her to see this beautiful city I call home so badly. I just know she would love it here and I miss her. Both of us are really broke at the moment, so I have decided that I will run a print sale in order to raise her airfare. I'm also going to be creating some polaroid based collage pieces as LimitedEditions of one each to sell. So, look out for this. More than anything, this money isn't to help me with my stupid debts (read stupid life decisions) it's to help a friend and that is very important to me...
I miss her...
This is what I used to feed her the times she came to visit me in Edinburgh:
I also miss my plates and mugs locked away in storage in Scotland still. I miss Moira more, though...
One time I starved her and she had to result to eating flies. A vegan! Eating flies!
I'm not sure if this incident is related:
I hope I can raise the money and get to see her soon. I'd really like her to be here during the cherry blossom festival in April, but time is pushing on...
Could you resist these eyes?
No, I thought not.
S_Eldorado in Edinburgh a year ago. I miss him too! I can't believe I moved here and he moved to Oz. Pants!