I just baked muffins. Espresso and cinnamon oatmeal muffins to be precise. Dairy free too. They are delicious. I really enjoy baking. I mean, it is one of my favourite things to do. It cheers me right up and helps me feel like I actually did something. I suppose it's the almost instant feeling of accomplishment as the fruit of the labour is ready so soon. I also just love to sit on the kitchen floor and watch their little middles swell and rise!
I made some updates to my Holga auction - I got the closest shipping estimates I could and posted the prints that will be made available if the bidding ends over $100! Take a look:

>> Included in the sale are the following:
* 2 Rolls of 120 Film worth $8-10! (Good quality stuff. It is possible to get much cheaper film when you need to replace it). You receive one roll of Fujicolor 400ISO negative film and one roll of EXPIRED Kodak Ektachrome 400ISO slide film (good for cross processing!). It being expired will only add to the strange and artistic colours produces.
Both of these rolls of film are perfect for outdoor daylight conditions all over the world at this time of year.
* 1 Take up spool.
* 1 Standard Holga strap still in packaging.
* 1 6x4.5 mask for RECTANGLE photos. 16 photos per roll.
* 1 6x6 mask for SQUARE photos (traditional Holga aesthetics!) 12 photos per roll.
* Original Holga Box.
* The custom camera itself. It was brand new before customisation.
* Instruction sheet.
* Guidance card - I will make you a reference card to help you know what "speed" (ISO) film to use in what lighting conditions based on my experience of the past few years. It will be credit card sized to keep with you at all times.

Thread for bidding is here.
These are the prints you will be able to choose from if this auction goes over $100!!
So, remember this:
If the auction goes over $100 you will receive a free gift of a ONE OFF 10x10" print. You may choose from the following four prints. It will never be offered as a print again and will be signed and certified as ONE OF ONE.
If the auction doesn't reach $100 then anyone including the auction winner may purchase one of these prints as non-limited. $15 for 5x5" or $50 for 10x10"
All of these were created on my own Holga and have not been digitally altered!
Bidding is currently at $75.
Thanks for checking it out everyone! I hope you like the photos too. Remember, if leopard print isn't your thing I am accepting custom orders and will work with you directly on getting something perfect for you.
I will be offering prints in the next few days I know how some of you love my prints, and I love seeing them on people's walls.
For those asking about my 30 days of autumn book:
Unfortunately it hit a bit of a road block. I can't order the books without a credit card (not even the proof). I don't own a credit card. I am trying to come up with something to get around this, so bare with me. I hope I can work something out. But don't worry, 30 days of winter is just around the corner...
Thank you for coming to my journal during this commercial break! Hahah.
Regular programming will resume shortly.
I made some updates to my Holga auction - I got the closest shipping estimates I could and posted the prints that will be made available if the bidding ends over $100! Take a look:

>> Included in the sale are the following:
* 2 Rolls of 120 Film worth $8-10! (Good quality stuff. It is possible to get much cheaper film when you need to replace it). You receive one roll of Fujicolor 400ISO negative film and one roll of EXPIRED Kodak Ektachrome 400ISO slide film (good for cross processing!). It being expired will only add to the strange and artistic colours produces.
Both of these rolls of film are perfect for outdoor daylight conditions all over the world at this time of year.
* 1 Take up spool.
* 1 Standard Holga strap still in packaging.
* 1 6x4.5 mask for RECTANGLE photos. 16 photos per roll.
* 1 6x6 mask for SQUARE photos (traditional Holga aesthetics!) 12 photos per roll.
* Original Holga Box.
* The custom camera itself. It was brand new before customisation.
* Instruction sheet.
* Guidance card - I will make you a reference card to help you know what "speed" (ISO) film to use in what lighting conditions based on my experience of the past few years. It will be credit card sized to keep with you at all times.

Thread for bidding is here.
These are the prints you will be able to choose from if this auction goes over $100!!
So, remember this:
If the auction goes over $100 you will receive a free gift of a ONE OFF 10x10" print. You may choose from the following four prints. It will never be offered as a print again and will be signed and certified as ONE OF ONE.
If the auction doesn't reach $100 then anyone including the auction winner may purchase one of these prints as non-limited. $15 for 5x5" or $50 for 10x10"




All of these were created on my own Holga and have not been digitally altered!
Bidding is currently at $75.
Thanks for checking it out everyone! I hope you like the photos too. Remember, if leopard print isn't your thing I am accepting custom orders and will work with you directly on getting something perfect for you.
I will be offering prints in the next few days I know how some of you love my prints, and I love seeing them on people's walls.
For those asking about my 30 days of autumn book:
Unfortunately it hit a bit of a road block. I can't order the books without a credit card (not even the proof). I don't own a credit card. I am trying to come up with something to get around this, so bare with me. I hope I can work something out. But don't worry, 30 days of winter is just around the corner...
Thank you for coming to my journal during this commercial break! Hahah.
Regular programming will resume shortly.