Fuck me I am loving Jelly Belly beans right now.
I am also deeply obsessed with history and art of the Industrial Revolution. Especially, how it started in Britain. I studied it many moons ago, and something recently brought it back up and I remember meaning to study it in more depth. I'm trying to soak up all I can.
I'll elaborate soon enough. I just felt the need to update you.

Edit: That isn't a chicken it's a raven.
I am also deeply obsessed with history and art of the Industrial Revolution. Especially, how it started in Britain. I studied it many moons ago, and something recently brought it back up and I remember meaning to study it in more depth. I'm trying to soak up all I can.
I'll elaborate soon enough. I just felt the need to update you.

Edit: That isn't a chicken it's a raven.
Yuki's set is amazing