These are all the rolls of film I took into the lab to be processed yesterday. They're also all the rolls I shot while I was away (-1 which I forgot was still in a camera). That's 20 rolls in total, incase you can't do the maths. I have a lot of scanning ahead of me. I hate scanning. It's the most boring thing to do with any kind of photography and it's also really fiddly and annoying.
I'm excited to see the photos though.
This is the best Christmas pressie I got this year:
It's a Zeiss Ikonta 35 522/24 with a Tessar (!!) lens and synchro compur shutter for those of you in the know. It's really sexy it was this boils down to for those of you not in the know!
It's almost in immaculate condition and this particular model (which has the best lens and shutter of the ones produced) is post WWII and produced between 1948-1953. The first roll I shot with it is amongst that lot up there ^^.
What was the best Christmas pressie you got this year?
(it doesn't have to be an actual thing).
Oops! I almost forgot Malloreigh's set finally went up today. We shot that set a year ago! I am really proud of it, and it reminds me how much I love that girl's company and I selfishly can't wait until she comes back this way.
My favourite photos:
Malloreigh - Acid Burn
Tell me your favourite photo from the set!
The only way you could avenge that shit is to put on some baggy, flared pants and accidentally take a photo of your foot while shooting an 18 year old hopeful.
I don't know if its the way you shoot the sets or how you photoshop them
but i always love the natural colours and the softness of the sets.