accident prone
This is approximately what my thumb looks like right now plus a bit more swelling. It's disgusting, I know.
And explanation:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)That would be me and my thumb. This is really disgusting and I apologise for that. Late last night just before bed I scalded my hand pretty badly. It's definitely the worst burn I've ever had and I'd say probably the worst pain I've ever felt. Even worse than the kidney infection I've had that put me in hospital or the migraine I had when I had a concussion from my bike accident last month.
I had my hand in ice water for about three hours and when I removed it within a minute the pain was so bad I couldn't think or do anything except sob. I had to send poor matthew out to the drug mart at 3am to see what he could find. The pharmacist sent him home with some Lidocaine and I waited with my thumb wrapped up with a thick layer of the stuff on top and a bag of peas on top of that. It was more sore than it was in the water but bearable; just.
I was exhausted and fell asleep only to wake an hour or so later panicking because it didn't hurt any more. I am such a worrier. I had a really restless night sleep which included a nightmare about my little finger falling off. I awoke to some swelling and a blister. Treated the burn and wrapped it up. I worked for a few hours and when I unwrapped it this is what I received for persevering and working anyway.
I swear, that now, a few hours after taking this photo that the blister is even bigger and its really disgusting. It's also still quite sore and I feel so worn out and sick. What with this and my bike accident 2 months ago I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't something more amiss here.
This photo doesn't really show the extent of the burn or how far it spreads but it certainly shows how gross the blister is. Ew.
and just in case you didn't see my update from yesterday. you need to see this:

I never ever do this, but this time I'm making an exception and I hope you'll forgive me.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I shot a set for Miranda back in June during an extreme heat wave in Amsterdam. It was about 32C (90F) and severely humid. This is high for most of Europe, and you only have to think of the amount of water in Amsterdam to realise how humid it must have been.
This set was recently rejected, and somehow I expected it. It's the first set that I've shot that I was really proud of but realised it would be rejected before I got the verdict. Of course, I hoped I'd be wrong, but there we go.
I adore Miranda, and I think this set really shows her strong, independent femininity that is so unique to her. In one respect I'm thinking that me saying I captured that of her is quite egotistical, but I'm not ashamed. I adore these photos, and these memories. Please take a look and leave us a message if you feel like it: LINK
Back to resting my thumb...
P.S Please no suggestions to pop the blister! I've been advised by a pharmacist not to pop it under any circumstances because it's so prone to infection on your hands. So, erm. Thanks for the concern and all xx.
Cherry, I want you to come here and shoot a set for me! I love your photography. My favorite set of all time is Nemesis's Dazzle. I want one like that!!