I've been staring at this blank box for over thirty minutes, and it's not getting any less blank.
the worm turns
A photo always helps.
I've been reading a lot. Science Fiction as usual. I've been socialising with one or two people, which is slightly unusual. I'm finally making friends, it seems.
I was hungover on Saturday and remembered why I hate doing that thing. Gross.
Right now I have a lot of important stuff to get done and a whole lot of unimportant stuff (read: bullshit) distracting me. I'm tired of politics, and want an easy life. I suppose I do it to myself.
I realise this entry is the most disjointed and strange in years. I don't feel like myself lately.
I never ever do this, but this time I'm making an exception and I hope you'll forgive me. I shot a set for Miranda back in June during an extreme heat wave in Amsterdam. It was about 32C (90F) and severely humid. This is high for most of Europe, and you only have to think of the amount of water in Amsterdam to realise how humid it must have been.
This set was recently rejected, and somehow I expected it. It's the first set that I've shot that I was really proud of but realised it would be rejected before I got the verdict. Of course, I hoped I'd be wrong, but there we go.
I adore Miranda, and I think this set really shows her strong, independent femininity that is so unique to her. In one respect I'm thinking that me saying I captured that of her is quite egotistical, but I'm not ashamed. I adore these photos, and these memories. Please take a look and leave us a message if you feel like it: LINK
To finish, some photos to illustrate my adoration for this part of the world:

the worm turns
A photo always helps.
I've been reading a lot. Science Fiction as usual. I've been socialising with one or two people, which is slightly unusual. I'm finally making friends, it seems.
I was hungover on Saturday and remembered why I hate doing that thing. Gross.
Right now I have a lot of important stuff to get done and a whole lot of unimportant stuff (read: bullshit) distracting me. I'm tired of politics, and want an easy life. I suppose I do it to myself.
I realise this entry is the most disjointed and strange in years. I don't feel like myself lately.
I never ever do this, but this time I'm making an exception and I hope you'll forgive me. I shot a set for Miranda back in June during an extreme heat wave in Amsterdam. It was about 32C (90F) and severely humid. This is high for most of Europe, and you only have to think of the amount of water in Amsterdam to realise how humid it must have been.
This set was recently rejected, and somehow I expected it. It's the first set that I've shot that I was really proud of but realised it would be rejected before I got the verdict. Of course, I hoped I'd be wrong, but there we go.
I adore Miranda, and I think this set really shows her strong, independent femininity that is so unique to her. In one respect I'm thinking that me saying I captured that of her is quite egotistical, but I'm not ashamed. I adore these photos, and these memories. Please take a look and leave us a message if you feel like it: LINK

To finish, some photos to illustrate my adoration for this part of the world:

I think spontaneous and impulsive are very difficult ideas... someone said that a lot of the traits I listed (spontaneous, impulsive, adventurous) are 'really similar' but i disagree. the differences are, i suppose, subtle, but i consider them completely separate aspects of my personality.
the mid 90s were lost to me music-wise. those were my spice-girls-and-backstreet-boys days, being that i was ten years old in '95, but in the later years of the 90s ('98, '99) i really got into some music that i still love. but i would like to talk about it too! over tea!
oh, i just remembered. veruca salt. now that band was a one-hit but awesome wonder.
edit: look at that, i went from proper capitalisation to all lowercase in one message. huh. i suck. not changing it now.