step forward, time's running out.
I don't have much to talk about, really. Business as usual, then. The past few weeks have been a bit of an internal battle over some things. I'm not talking metaphorically, either. Mind you, when aren't I going through some kind of introspective crisis? I'm tired.
I finished reading two books this week. End of the World Blues by Jon Courtney Grimwood and Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. I should have written something right after I finished reading them because both books were quite enlightening and left me feeling, well, introspective.
Surprise, surprise. Right now, though, I'm struggling to even think about them. I'm tired.
I do recommend them, though. Especially if you're a science fiction sort of person.
I've been really bad at keeping in touch again. I'm so afraid of letting everyone down that I put things off for eternity and then, guess what? I let them down. I'm tired.

I had a rather alarming dream this morning before I awoke. This is nothing too unusual; it happens most days. But, this was really something. It was the end of the world (or something approximating it). There was a huge alien ship in orbit of the earth and anything that got close to it was vaporised by some invisible force. Despite what this is reading like, it wasn't like a cheesy film, it was really quite real.
I had to rescue this strange being from something that was similar to an Egyptian tomb. It then turned out that I was also one of these creatures.
A ton of other things happened, but as dreams often are by the end of the day, the memories are mostly fragmented. I'm tired.

empty lamp
Perhaps I've been spending too much time practising escapism by reading science fiction?
On November 23rd I took some black and white polaroids for Linds and her website's one year anniversary party.

You can see the rest here:
I've been taking some photos for the 30 days of winter. I've decided to wait until the new year to post that series so everyone can enjoy their holidays in peace.
bye for now...
I hope the package will arrive soon and that in time for christmas your interal battle will be over to leave you all relaxed and happy inside and outside.
Just wanted to say hey, see how you are and things. How is that visa app going?
Oh, and look out for a christmas parcel from meeee.