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The marathon roundup of the Thirty Days of Vancouver, BC Autumn:
(from day 1 - 30)
(digital - self portrait)
I don't usually like explaining any intentions behind my art or projects, but I am going to make an exception. It was probably difficult to see when observing these photos day-by-day, but I hope it comes through clearly when you look at the photos in sequence, like this.
I was intending all along, with the order of the photos not only to capture the natural progression, wilting and decay cycle of autumn but also the shortening of days; with the photos gradually getting later and later in the day and ending in the late, dark evening.
Vancouver seems to be at just the right latitude to really see the full effect of the shortening of days. In Scotland it happens too quickly (as it is too far north), in more southern parts of the world I am guessing that the change is negligible or much slower.
In answer to many requests I've had I'll also be offering individual prints. I've also been asked for price guides so that people can put money aside.
I am happy to announce there will definitely be a "30 days of Winter". Although, not all of it in Vancouver. Some of it way up north in the Yukon!