A couple of weeks ago I bought a box of yummy Concord Grapes (the kind they make the candy flavour from). They're beautiful, very dark and very round. This box also came with extra free fruit flies! Lucky me! It didn't take them long to start repopulating my kitchen, and soon I was over run. It has been so gross that I've not actually wanted to go into the kitchen to get myself even a glass of water.
I don't really like spraying a bunch of chemicals around so I made a trap out of apple vinegar, a milk bottle, some paper, and some stick tape. I am so resourceful. As you can see from the rather gross photo it is working so far although some of them would rather sit on the top and breathe in the fumes rather than venture to where all their friends are trapped.
Dirty little buggers.
Lately I have been working really hard every day so I don't have a lot to say. In the last week I have prepped 10 sets and photographed 2. Of the 10 I prepped only 3 of them are sets I have photographed myself, but that's okay because I am enjoying that more these days than photographing. Although, I do miss exercising that part of my brain I am still not sure if really I am that good at it. I know many of you dear readers tell me all the time how much you like my photographs, but I am just very critical of myself lately. I realise this can be unhealthy, but I think it's also something quite necessary.
There's nothing really insightful in my world right now apart from the fact that every day I realise I am more grateful to the kinds of friends I have in my life than ever; even if they are 8 hours ahead of me and the other side of the world. When I think of them and how their day is going I drift off into the future and it is all kinds of fun.
In between working hard I am daydreaming a lot. Sometimes that is sad and sometimes it is not.
I am living my life through nostalgia. It's true, everyday is a flurry of smells and flashing images that remind me of a time gone by. I think perhaps it is partly the season and partly the fact that I am still discovering myself in a new environment. It is strange to be English around here. Some days I kind of like it but other days it is somewhat lonely. The other English people (namely tourists) that I catch glimpses of seem like such aliens to me already. And yet, I am still an alien myself. Oh what a contrary flavour of the world.

This is my pride and joy. She is getting more beautiful every time I ride her and every time I modify her she is becoming more my own. I just love riding her through the tree lined streets; the autumn leaves slowly falling all around me.
Although I work at home I am going to start riding her every morning so that I get some exercise, get out of the house and so that it feels like I am going to work. For the past few years of my life, working from home has often meant falling out of bed in the morning, making some tea, prepping photos or answering emails and not stopping until I get tired enough for bed or something else important comes up. I realise it is a pretty unhealthy way to live.
I have been taking the weekends off (apart from this past weekend) and that is something new. I like it.

when good girls go to heaven
I took this photo earlier in the summer when on a mini-road trip. I took it specifically with Moira and Tsui in mind. As soon as I saw it by the side of the road I knew I had to stop and take a photo for them.
It is one of my favourite photographs I have taken all summer. It takes a lot for me to say that nowadays, I hope you realise.
I am currently reading Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M Miller Jr. I am obsessed with it. It is taking me a while to read (as usual) and I am finding the language a little difficult (but beautiful). However, I looked up today in the middle of eating my lunch and said "I know that I am reading a good book when it is all I can think about when I am not concentrating on work." I really adore that feeling and it's the main reason I still persevere with reading despite the difficulties I sometimes have.
I'm only half way through, but so far it has made me laugh, cry and think really damn hard. It's genius; of course it is a famous SciFi classic so I shouldn't expect anything less.
What you're saying really resonates with me. I know it sounds strange but even in my own hometown I feel alienated, nostalgic, and sometimes lonely. Especially when its like the same thing day after day. I miss you and our adventures in Vancouver! And if you ask me, you are most definitely still good at photography. I have never been so pleased with pictures of myself. I'm so excited to see my set go up!
xoxoxo love,