The other day I rode out to a place called Jericho Beach. It's nice there. Actually, nice is such an unintentionally uninspiring word... I should probably correct myself. It's not so much a breathtakingly beautiful beach as a functional one. It has pretty white sands, and a pretty mountainous horizon. There is a sailing school and a kayaking school.
I walked out onto an old pier to see a man crabbing. It was amusing as when he finally got a crab it was literally a centimetre too small to keep. When I got bored with this I watched the tiny children struggling in their kayaks and I was certain they were telling themselves they were on a very important adventure.
This isn't the point of my story, and as always I am distracted by small tangents that really don't serve a purpose. So, what did happen at Jericho Beach that is so worthy of note? I fell in love. I can see you all rolling your eyes as you know how often I fall in love with many things around me. But, if you weren't interested you wouldn't be here, right?
I fell in love with the cormorants. I'd never seen these birds before and one caught my attention as it swooped down and flew for miles barley skimming the water. At this moment their grace and superiority in the sky caused me to sit down on the old pier. I watched as this little guy (they're quite big really) came back. They are so skilled at taking to the air and move with what seems like the smallest of effort.
He landed on the bouncing waves and sunned himself for a moment or two and then... he was gone. He dove and I watched and watched for him to surface but ten minutes seemed to pass. Eventually something caught my eye a few hundred yards from where he dove; he surfaced! These birds seem to be able to swim as well as they can fly.
The icing on the cake was that he had a huge fish (about four times the size of his head) skewered by his bill. He struggled for a few moments obviously trying to flip the fish the right way round. Suddenly a giant gull came out from no-where and swooped down on him. He dove out of danger and stayed under until the gull flew away. He surfaced a few yards away just as the gull was circling back round.
This carried on for a while and the whole time I watched secretly rooting for the cormorant to win. The moment he did manage to eat his fish the gull squawked so loudly. I jumped up and cheered. Several older folks and the children learning not to drown themselves stared intently trying to work out what I was cheering at. I didn't care. I was in love.
Some days after this linds took me to Wreck Beach at sunset and I fell in love again. It was beautiful.
That story in photos (thank heavens!):
stand still for a lifetime
an inadequate illustration
an illusion
soaring for miles
hiding in the darkness
Also. I am sick to death of having Harry Potter shoved down my throat at every opportunity. Just die already so life can go back to normal.
I have been taking most of my photos in film and I wish I could show you all as I'm sure you would love them, but I don't have an electrical transformer for my scanner and so I have no way to show you. Unless you were to come over for tea, but there are just too many of you to accommodate. Sorry.
Last of all. Take a look at these recent sets I had rejected. I can't reshoot with these girls because they're back in Europe. I hope you enjoy them.
Cecilia : Amsterdam
Korento : The Lovers Card
Brite : SummerHeat
I walked out onto an old pier to see a man crabbing. It was amusing as when he finally got a crab it was literally a centimetre too small to keep. When I got bored with this I watched the tiny children struggling in their kayaks and I was certain they were telling themselves they were on a very important adventure.
This isn't the point of my story, and as always I am distracted by small tangents that really don't serve a purpose. So, what did happen at Jericho Beach that is so worthy of note? I fell in love. I can see you all rolling your eyes as you know how often I fall in love with many things around me. But, if you weren't interested you wouldn't be here, right?
I fell in love with the cormorants. I'd never seen these birds before and one caught my attention as it swooped down and flew for miles barley skimming the water. At this moment their grace and superiority in the sky caused me to sit down on the old pier. I watched as this little guy (they're quite big really) came back. They are so skilled at taking to the air and move with what seems like the smallest of effort.
He landed on the bouncing waves and sunned himself for a moment or two and then... he was gone. He dove and I watched and watched for him to surface but ten minutes seemed to pass. Eventually something caught my eye a few hundred yards from where he dove; he surfaced! These birds seem to be able to swim as well as they can fly.
The icing on the cake was that he had a huge fish (about four times the size of his head) skewered by his bill. He struggled for a few moments obviously trying to flip the fish the right way round. Suddenly a giant gull came out from no-where and swooped down on him. He dove out of danger and stayed under until the gull flew away. He surfaced a few yards away just as the gull was circling back round.
This carried on for a while and the whole time I watched secretly rooting for the cormorant to win. The moment he did manage to eat his fish the gull squawked so loudly. I jumped up and cheered. Several older folks and the children learning not to drown themselves stared intently trying to work out what I was cheering at. I didn't care. I was in love.
Some days after this linds took me to Wreck Beach at sunset and I fell in love again. It was beautiful.
That story in photos (thank heavens!):
stand still for a lifetime
an inadequate illustration
an illusion
soaring for miles
hiding in the darkness
Also. I am sick to death of having Harry Potter shoved down my throat at every opportunity. Just die already so life can go back to normal.
I have been taking most of my photos in film and I wish I could show you all as I'm sure you would love them, but I don't have an electrical transformer for my scanner and so I have no way to show you. Unless you were to come over for tea, but there are just too many of you to accommodate. Sorry.
Last of all. Take a look at these recent sets I had rejected. I can't reshoot with these girls because they're back in Europe. I hope you enjoy them.
Cecilia : Amsterdam
Korento : The Lovers Card
Brite : SummerHeat
Can you msg me your #?
Thanks love! xx
Change of subject: do you like sushi? I hope it's still open but if it is the best all you can eat sushi is downtown Vancouver on Denman near Stanley Park. It's called Tanpopo and it rocks!