Attn Models :: SuicideGirl Photoshoots:
Things have been relatively quiet for me the past eight weeks or so. You'd think I'd have spent the extra time attending to things that are important (such as my website), but I haven't. My health has been all over the place, as it often is at this time of year. I suppose I am a sickly person in the winter. It's always this way.
Other things have been quite... influential (I shall say) on my state of mind and well being. I'm not really sure this is the place to get it out. I think perhaps there is a time and a place and this is neither. I just hope it all gets back on track soon. Otherwise I will be at a dead end. A profound brick wall.
On Friday, Michael Stone, well known loyalist paramilitary member, walked into Stormont armed with "bombs". During the reportage of this "incident" on the BBC that afternoon not once did they term him as a terrorist. First, he was a protester. Later that afternoon he was a loyalist. However, his actions were quite clearly acts of terrorism. Back in the day of the regular attacks from the Loyalist Paramilitary they were labelled as terrorists daily. In fact, it was the only kind of terrorism Britain really knew at the time. In today's day and age, however, he couldn't possibly be a terrorist because he's white, right?
Not only this but he was charged the next day with Attempted Murder. I'm sure this was the proof that many of us were waiting for to depict that the "Terrorist Act" really is a complete waste of time and effort. What's the point if a terrorist is going to be tried with an ancient law? None.
The politics is neither here nor there, though, really. I'm mostly just absolutely disappointed in the blatant bias that even the BBC are showing in recent years. It's becoming so obvious that it just can't be missed.
The police referred to Stone as a terrorist. Good for them. Shame the BBC didn't catch on.
I'd hate to be a brown person in this country nowadays.
For making it this far... Your Reward (maybe):
That was quite a well written blog on Micheal Stone, you highlighted some areas/ aspects I had not considered, well done.
I remember years ago when Mr Stone sneaked up on a IRA funeral, and launched some hand grenades/ home made bombs, he was even on telly a few months ago, telling his tale of how he killed a Catholic delivery man, he told in detail the integence, weaponry, and planning he received from senior loyalists.
I also saw a programme about how some members of the IRA though they had been manipulated and used by senior Republican terrorists, they were 17 at the time when they were recruited, and were very angry young men, ripe for manipulation.
I have been to Dublin and seen the bullet shell holes etched on the main post office building, which the IRA held out in, bit of an Irish shrine now, a lot more than a Post office building, my friend who I went with is half Irish, he bought a copy of the Irish declaration of Independence, and got Jerry Adams to sigh it, who he met by chance at Cork airport.