This lady is one of the smartest woment I've met. And she knows where her spleen is! Also, she is the best house-guest I could ever ask for. She allowed me to make her pancakes (that's the crpe kind, for you north american types) first thing in the morning after we got back from shooting this set at the crack of dawn.
Then... this ghost appeared in the pan when I was making the test pancake:

I had a lovely birthday, thanks for all the comments. It was nice and quiet with not a huge fuss or tonnes of presents, but that's ok, because I don't like too much attention. Believe it or not! It was my nicest birthday since I was a kid, and it's all down to not being lonely on my birthday for the first time in years. I have a wonderful special person always around me, and even new friends the other end of the country that make me super happy.
The rest of my week has been spent desperately trying to avoid the cold outside so I can get better for my trip to Vancouver in one week and five days! One of these days I'll sit still and call home, home. Not for now though...
I've also been photoshopping until my wrist is twisted and cramped into a weird perculiar shape. All in the cause of pretty pictures though, which is important.
Now, go leave a comment on Dis' set and tell her how super she is.

Me. Winter hat...
(taken by Matthew. he takes the best photos of me)

Have good holidays!
[Edited on Dec 21, 2005 10:24PM]
anyway hope you have a lovely xmas