Guess what I did last night?

TA DA! Avacado body wrap!
Thanks to Shagz for coating me and wrapping me up, And keeping me company

It felt really great, Here's the recipe if you want to try it
1 Cup of heavy whipping cream
1 very ripe avacado
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
Mix all this together and blend until creamy, Slather it all over and tightly have someone wrap you in ceran wrap.
Sit for 20 minutes. Rinse.
Then you should all take pictures and post them here..HAR!
Hmm So what's going on with Cherries? I'm designing my website.. Okay okay..Shagz is designing it and I'm pointing going yep I want this that color.. FCUK no I want rockstar pink! Yes that's ok.. Nope I hate that. LOL
I'm really excited, This will give me a way to hopefully make money.. And sell my stuff, And buy more and more sewing supplies to make more stuff.. It will be like a dream! I'm a hard worker, And I'm dedicated, And I know I can do this!
HAHA I just stuck my tounge out at Scuzzy and he got all pissy and started barking at me.. HEhe.
Hmf. Well I'm off to torture myself with some more pilates!
Tell me something interesting!
Did you know the gas alternative Bio-Diesel is 75% cleaner than gas, And is less toxic than table salt? It's also around 60 cents a gallon!
Only reason why i ask is cuz either way, i'll try it!!!!!!