I was just at Walmart buying care package supplies and snacks for my non-profit's upcoming shipment. I was walking up and down the aisles, people giving me that "wtf she gonna do with all that?" look. I get to the register and warn the poor cashier I got a lot of stuff and that I apologize (she couldn't just put a quantity in, she had to scan every single thing).
Then I had a lady behind me, and I apologized for the wait, and she asked me what it was for, and I told her it was all for care packages. She thanked me and our group for what we do, and went on to tell me that her WHOLE family has served in a war. Before I left, she gave me $5 saying, "I know it's not a whole lot, but I can't thank you enough for what you ladies do". I'm saving this and bringing it to our next meeting for our cash donation box.
Every little bit counts, and this makes me love what I do.
Do good, and good will come back to you