Happy birthday to me and new piercings to boot:
Three in one go makes me hardcore according to the blue banana staff (they seemed a little freaked out by me, which I found very odd cuz surely they've done more hardcore things, I mean it's only my ear for christs sake) they were cool though and even did a little birthday dance for me cuz I'm special.
Boy from mars: What do you want for your birthday?
Me: I don't know how to answer that without embarrassing myself.
Boy from mars: Try me
He just wanted me to say something dirty.
Also, yesterday I slammed my hand in the freezer in work and spent today with my fingers in bandages. Typing this hurts quite a lot actually so I'll leave it at that

Three in one go makes me hardcore according to the blue banana staff (they seemed a little freaked out by me, which I found very odd cuz surely they've done more hardcore things, I mean it's only my ear for christs sake) they were cool though and even did a little birthday dance for me cuz I'm special.
Boy from mars: What do you want for your birthday?
Me: I don't know how to answer that without embarrassing myself.
Boy from mars: Try me
He just wanted me to say something dirty.
Also, yesterday I slammed my hand in the freezer in work and spent today with my fingers in bandages. Typing this hurts quite a lot actually so I'll leave it at that
Think I'll try that trick on my birthday, too!