I finally figured out how to add pictures to my account, I'm so technologically illiterate that it's amazing I did it this quickly.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 23, 2005
Do you remember when you were little and the world was so exciting an… -
Tuesday Aug 23, 2005
I finally figured out how to add pictures to my account, I'm so techn… -
Tuesday Aug 23, 2005
He's gone again, seven months this time. How do you let someone know … -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
The girl I buy porno from had a set go up today. Small world. -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
Joey's last day here. What do you do when you know that you're 13 ho… -
Sunday Aug 21, 2005
Do you ever have those days when you don't expect to see someone that… -
Wednesday Aug 17, 2005
Dear God, Romanos Macaroni Grill has the best Insalata Rossa ever. St… -
Wednesday Aug 17, 2005
Strange. I just got a call from the lady who runs The Oblong Box and … -
Tuesday Aug 16, 2005
RRRrrrr. Riding the bus in a town that has not yet learned to meaning… -
Tuesday Aug 16, 2005
Starbucks in T-minus 0045. I just know I'm going to come home reaking…