Work tomorrow.
I got my hair done this weekend and it turned out super cute. Kind of 80's with bangs and black with blond highlights. I like it, so it all works in the end.
The amount of retards hitting on me at work has reached an all time high. This dude in a silk club shirt came in the other day, solely to ask for my number. He saw my tattoo and asked what it was, to which I replied "A pirate ship"... to which he said "Oh so you think you're a rebel?!?" No god damn it, I just like pirates and water and ships... go out in the mall and find some 12 year old to date, maybe she'll be too young to notice that you look like Zach Morris. Ahhh Oceanside.
Joey comes home in 7 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes, and 49 seconds and I can't wait to see him again... although I will admit to being excited and nervous at the same time, seven months is a damn long time. Plus the aparment is really nowhere near clean and I've moved since he left, so that should be awkward.
I just can't wait for the next few days to come so that I can sleep through them all.
Also I'm seriously considering getting viper piercings... thoughts anyone??
I got my hair done this weekend and it turned out super cute. Kind of 80's with bangs and black with blond highlights. I like it, so it all works in the end.
The amount of retards hitting on me at work has reached an all time high. This dude in a silk club shirt came in the other day, solely to ask for my number. He saw my tattoo and asked what it was, to which I replied "A pirate ship"... to which he said "Oh so you think you're a rebel?!?" No god damn it, I just like pirates and water and ships... go out in the mall and find some 12 year old to date, maybe she'll be too young to notice that you look like Zach Morris. Ahhh Oceanside.
Joey comes home in 7 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes, and 49 seconds and I can't wait to see him again... although I will admit to being excited and nervous at the same time, seven months is a damn long time. Plus the aparment is really nowhere near clean and I've moved since he left, so that should be awkward.
I just can't wait for the next few days to come so that I can sleep through them all.
Also I'm seriously considering getting viper piercings... thoughts anyone??

how the crap are you pretty lady?