I love you guys so much. I guess it's because it's the fucking internet and I don't actually know anyone in real life I feel like I can be honest with you all. I mean, what are the consequences? So here it goes, for the catharsis of it all... this is why I am so crazy right now.
Me and the boy are supposed to move in together in 17 days. In order to pick up the key and sign the lease and all that jazz, on the move in day, he has to come up with an offer letter or a paystub to prove we can pay the rent. He doesn't have a job yet.
Now I can pay the rent, but my name isn't on the lease because over 2 years ago, when i left Austin my sister and I had 3 months left on our lease. I moved out, but our father was still paying her the full rent amount. My sister is a drug addict and all the rent money wet elsewhere and she was evicted. My name was on the lease so I have an eviction on my record. I am no longer that naive, but I still don't qualify to be on a lease. So it's all him.
He is officially graduating this week with Honors from the University of Texas at Dallas with a BS in Business, he has been looking for a job that doesn't pay straight commission in Houston for six months and he can't find anything.
So he won't have a job in 17 days and I get to tell my mother that I'm a failure and I'm not really moving out until he finds a job. Whenever the fuck that is.
At work Injury lawyers are the bane of my existence. They will not stop fucking me around. They want to pay us a letter of promise, which isn't worth the paper it's written on. They don't feel like they should have to pay up front. They want us to LIE to BP Amoco's lawyers and tell them that the patient was never seen. I will not do that. So I end up calling them and telling them we won't see the clients and they send them anyway so that I have to explain to them that lawyer is a deadbeat sleazebag and then they tell me I'm greedy.
The site isn't working out well, and with all the trouble we're having getting Jason a job, he's always away from photo shop and his camera. I'm having a hard time getting sets up, especially at the quality that I expect. If I weren't so fucking stubborn I'd throw in the towel. But I can't do that. I'm just holding out until I can afford an SLR. That will improve everything. I started the site to make extra money but all the money I've made is sitting in my business account waiting for me to throw in the other 1000 I'll need for that camera. I think for at least a year it will all go back into the site.
On that note, I have no money. Seriously. I have $1.15 in the bank because all of my money goes towards paying of my debt. On the plus side, the majority of Americans' with over $6000 in debt never get out from under it. I'll be out in August, if all goes well.
I have two weeks left of school, all tests. I need an 82 at minimum on my Linear Algebra Final to pass. I'm not sure I'll get it. My finals end on May 9th, which, if we do get to move on the 12th, gives me 3 days to pack.
So this is why I'm losing my fucking mind. Did I earn temporary insanity?
Me and the boy are supposed to move in together in 17 days. In order to pick up the key and sign the lease and all that jazz, on the move in day, he has to come up with an offer letter or a paystub to prove we can pay the rent. He doesn't have a job yet.
Now I can pay the rent, but my name isn't on the lease because over 2 years ago, when i left Austin my sister and I had 3 months left on our lease. I moved out, but our father was still paying her the full rent amount. My sister is a drug addict and all the rent money wet elsewhere and she was evicted. My name was on the lease so I have an eviction on my record. I am no longer that naive, but I still don't qualify to be on a lease. So it's all him.
He is officially graduating this week with Honors from the University of Texas at Dallas with a BS in Business, he has been looking for a job that doesn't pay straight commission in Houston for six months and he can't find anything.
So he won't have a job in 17 days and I get to tell my mother that I'm a failure and I'm not really moving out until he finds a job. Whenever the fuck that is.
At work Injury lawyers are the bane of my existence. They will not stop fucking me around. They want to pay us a letter of promise, which isn't worth the paper it's written on. They don't feel like they should have to pay up front. They want us to LIE to BP Amoco's lawyers and tell them that the patient was never seen. I will not do that. So I end up calling them and telling them we won't see the clients and they send them anyway so that I have to explain to them that lawyer is a deadbeat sleazebag and then they tell me I'm greedy.
The site isn't working out well, and with all the trouble we're having getting Jason a job, he's always away from photo shop and his camera. I'm having a hard time getting sets up, especially at the quality that I expect. If I weren't so fucking stubborn I'd throw in the towel. But I can't do that. I'm just holding out until I can afford an SLR. That will improve everything. I started the site to make extra money but all the money I've made is sitting in my business account waiting for me to throw in the other 1000 I'll need for that camera. I think for at least a year it will all go back into the site.
On that note, I have no money. Seriously. I have $1.15 in the bank because all of my money goes towards paying of my debt. On the plus side, the majority of Americans' with over $6000 in debt never get out from under it. I'll be out in August, if all goes well.
I have two weeks left of school, all tests. I need an 82 at minimum on my Linear Algebra Final to pass. I'm not sure I'll get it. My finals end on May 9th, which, if we do get to move on the 12th, gives me 3 days to pack.
So this is why I'm losing my fucking mind. Did I earn temporary insanity?
Well yay for the upcoming undebtifying. As for the other stuff, well... [awkward hug]. Hope things work out.
I was going to try and offer advice but to be honest I think I would be stressing and cave in that situation so instead take Corsair's advice because its far better than anything I could think of