I return triumphant from Dallas. We shot 9 full sets and some promos! I have a handful of technical problems to sort out on the site, but I know how to fix them, it's just a matter of the time it will take. Time is something I currently have plenty of! I have exactly 9 days until launch, which is plenty of time to iron out loose ends. I have my boyfriend helping me too.
In fact, because of my last entry I thought I'd take a moment, before writing part 2 of that later on, to talk about him.
Jason is quite simply the greatest man I've ever met. He is very smart, but he's never pretentious. He is in many ways my opposite. He is very business like and professional. He's always dressed well and he's practical to a fault. (But it just makes me smile)
He has a great sense of humor and never takes himself or anything else too seriously, including me when I throw my insecurity fits. He helps me with everything, supports me in all my many endeavors. He's never judged me. He's the only person I've ever met that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
I remember distinctly when I knew I was in love with him. I was very sick, bad cold, and he insisted I come out anyway because he missed me. So I did, and we just went to his place and watched Richard Pryor. He got me soup and everything. I thought, if I can be this fucking sick, and this one person can make me so happy anyway, I must love him.
We met in high school, introduced by a mutual friend. We were both interested in each other but always seeing other people. We both went off to college, Austin for me, and Dallas for him. We stayed in touch, met up every once in awhile, talked on AIM. By this time he was securely in the friend zone. He had a girlfriend, from senior year of high school to sophomore year of college. So naturally, he was hands off.
When I moved back to Houston in '05, he was there visiting his parents for the summer and we started to hang out nearly every night. His relationship was not going well. She wanted to be a house wife and he wanted an equal partner, he also didn't want children, and she wanted nothing more. They fought constantly. At one point, near the end, they decided to see other people as a last ditch effort to save the relationship.
He expressed interest and me, and I declined. Because open relationships do not make sense to me. I didn't want to be part of the breakup.
About 2 weeks later, they broke up and he asked me again, I refused because at this point I would be a rebound. Things went on like this for 4 months, with him asking and me refusing. I'll give him points for tenacity.
One night we got pretty drunk, alone, and I slept with him. It was really great so naturally, it happened again... and again... We kept things like that for a few months more when one day out of the blue he started to refer to me as his girlfriend, I was.. pleased. It will be two years in July.
So there is the proof guys, the friend zone is not a death sentence, it can be over come.
And theres the feel good issue. Stay tuned for more drama!!
In fact, because of my last entry I thought I'd take a moment, before writing part 2 of that later on, to talk about him.
Jason is quite simply the greatest man I've ever met. He is very smart, but he's never pretentious. He is in many ways my opposite. He is very business like and professional. He's always dressed well and he's practical to a fault. (But it just makes me smile)
He has a great sense of humor and never takes himself or anything else too seriously, including me when I throw my insecurity fits. He helps me with everything, supports me in all my many endeavors. He's never judged me. He's the only person I've ever met that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
I remember distinctly when I knew I was in love with him. I was very sick, bad cold, and he insisted I come out anyway because he missed me. So I did, and we just went to his place and watched Richard Pryor. He got me soup and everything. I thought, if I can be this fucking sick, and this one person can make me so happy anyway, I must love him.
We met in high school, introduced by a mutual friend. We were both interested in each other but always seeing other people. We both went off to college, Austin for me, and Dallas for him. We stayed in touch, met up every once in awhile, talked on AIM. By this time he was securely in the friend zone. He had a girlfriend, from senior year of high school to sophomore year of college. So naturally, he was hands off.
When I moved back to Houston in '05, he was there visiting his parents for the summer and we started to hang out nearly every night. His relationship was not going well. She wanted to be a house wife and he wanted an equal partner, he also didn't want children, and she wanted nothing more. They fought constantly. At one point, near the end, they decided to see other people as a last ditch effort to save the relationship.
He expressed interest and me, and I declined. Because open relationships do not make sense to me. I didn't want to be part of the breakup.
About 2 weeks later, they broke up and he asked me again, I refused because at this point I would be a rebound. Things went on like this for 4 months, with him asking and me refusing. I'll give him points for tenacity.
One night we got pretty drunk, alone, and I slept with him. It was really great so naturally, it happened again... and again... We kept things like that for a few months more when one day out of the blue he started to refer to me as his girlfriend, I was.. pleased. It will be two years in July.
So there is the proof guys, the friend zone is not a death sentence, it can be over come.
And theres the feel good issue. Stay tuned for more drama!!
Glad you've found such a great guy and you are so happy.

I'm glad you guys are so happy together and I hope you guys are together a loooong time. And I cannot wait to see the sets.