Heyyo, whats up SG, hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was alright, I went up to Edmonton to see family.
Me and my sister went and did hot yoga, which was really awesome. It was my first time doing it, and I felt so wonderful after. If you havent tried it, I recommend it!
After we did that we wanted to smoke some herb and go in the hot tub, we ran into a little problem...lol
There was a canadian goose nest in a flower pot that was right beside the hot tub, and momma bird was being really defensive, hissing at us hahah it was so scary and funny at the same time. eventually she realized we didn't mean any harm.
And then I got to go out to the farm and ride horses, which made me quite stoked. I would really like to one day own a horse again, I really love them. My dad got bucked off, haha. -Karma

My dad and I ended up getting in a shitty fight because he was dragging his ass having beers with his buddies and forgot about me, I ended up stranded in a parking lot in the cold night waiting for him 2 hours too long.
very typical of him. I'm starting to just feel like I just don't need him anyway...my mom's way more legit.

Lately things have been soo mellow in my life though, I love it.
I have wonderful friends, and everyday is somethin new and exciting. I'm beginning to see life as more of a journey, and growing more patience. I found this picture of when I was fifteen, I begged my mom to take me to a modelling agency and get photo's taken, I never got any gigs from this scam agency but it ignited a passion in me thats lasted to this day. Top Model was like my religion, I loved watching the creative photoshoots.

mega girl crush!
Lavonne is shooting her set so i'm hoping i'll get to go watch and hang out with both lovely ladies
I did some quick pictures downtown with a friend the other day, it was quite bright and windy so I had a hard time keeping my little eyes open haha

THANK YOU ortegart71 ! What a wonderful artist you are!

Ah, and now I leave you with a dope video of my good friend Mattaio
And get SET4LYFE

Me and my sister went and did hot yoga, which was really awesome. It was my first time doing it, and I felt so wonderful after. If you havent tried it, I recommend it!
After we did that we wanted to smoke some herb and go in the hot tub, we ran into a little problem...lol
There was a canadian goose nest in a flower pot that was right beside the hot tub, and momma bird was being really defensive, hissing at us hahah it was so scary and funny at the same time. eventually she realized we didn't mean any harm.

And then I got to go out to the farm and ride horses, which made me quite stoked. I would really like to one day own a horse again, I really love them. My dad got bucked off, haha. -Karma

My dad and I ended up getting in a shitty fight because he was dragging his ass having beers with his buddies and forgot about me, I ended up stranded in a parking lot in the cold night waiting for him 2 hours too long.

Lately things have been soo mellow in my life though, I love it.
I have wonderful friends, and everyday is somethin new and exciting. I'm beginning to see life as more of a journey, and growing more patience. I found this picture of when I was fifteen, I begged my mom to take me to a modelling agency and get photo's taken, I never got any gigs from this scam agency but it ignited a passion in me thats lasted to this day. Top Model was like my religion, I loved watching the creative photoshoots.

mega girl crush!

Lavonne is shooting her set so i'm hoping i'll get to go watch and hang out with both lovely ladies

I did some quick pictures downtown with a friend the other day, it was quite bright and windy so I had a hard time keeping my little eyes open haha

THANK YOU ortegart71 ! What a wonderful artist you are!

Ah, and now I leave you with a dope video of my good friend Mattaio
And get SET4LYFE

Also, nice board. I hope you are enjoying it.